Previous Chapters:
-chapter one- I can see the look in your eyes, but I know you’re not looking at me.
-chapter two- You only look at him; why don’t I deserve your affection?
-chapter three- The bunny was lost, but so was my heart.
-chapter four-
Hidden secrets revealed to unsuspecting company.
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@@;; You make other characters evil. Almost. @@;; And because I'm reading Othello by Shakespeares right now, I'm drawing a lot of connections but it's just me being nerdy. xD
Poor Sungmin. ;-; To see that... ><;; Hopefully Heechul will make it all better. ♥
LOL~ what do you mean I make other characters evil? Do I really? :P I... guess it's easier for me to show their "mean side" just to release anger I guess LOL. I'm usually far too nice in person (or so I'm told) ~ I need an outlet. That's my reasoning anyway. :P
Ohh... but Amii, if only you knew what happens next. ;__;
Thanks for reading though♥♥♥
Haha, maybe evil's too strong a word. xD But yeah, their 'mean sides' really come out in this.
O: Repressed anger in Julzy? @@;;
O_____O!! Should I be scared of what's to come?
Haha~ it's just... I'm rather angsty unbeknownst to my friends and family~ they start to worry and it's effort to console them that I'm actually okay. (_ _") Sometimes I feel a bit like Yesung - if that makes any sense at all!
Yes, be very afraid. o__o Just be glad it wasn't Junsu? <- pretending I added DBSK to my fic lol
D; No happy ending? (Haha, you don't have to? xD I'll be like a regular reader anticipating the suspense and everything). xD
;-; Julzy~! -hugs- >
I'll -try- to make a happy ending... but I don't know yet. >w<;; If there isn't one, then maybe I could make a sequel? LOL. o____o
The next chapter is... coming soon. I'll post it in my journal~ but I won't advertise it on miracle______ until tonight. ^w^
Chapter Six.
O: ♥ LOL. xD Whichever suits you? Sometimes it's best to leave it as a sad ending? xP Idk. It all depends on you.
Haha, I'm gonna check it out later. It's pretty late. @@;; -sets a mental reminder to self-
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