[fic] VF drabble: Tarnished

Mar 14, 2006 12:50

Title: Drabble: Tarnished
Characters: Feilong, Tao
Rating: PG
Spoilers: very minor ones for NT
Warning: angst, not happy

"Tao, you're very quiet this morning. Are you not feeling well?"

The comb Tao had been using clattered onto the floor. He blushed and bent to pick it up. But there were none of the usual smiles accompanying his clumsiness.

"I'm sorry Liu-daren. I'm well. Just, just a little tired, that's all."

Feilong examined the downcast features before him. "If there's anything bothering you, you know you may speak to me, don't you?"

"Yes, Liu-daren."

The face wouldn't turn up towards his. So he turned it up with a lift of his finger. The boy's face was towards him but the eyes were not.

"Tao, you will tell me this instant what is wrong."

"Nothing is wrong, Liu-daren. May I please be excused? I have my other duties to attend to."

"No, you may not be excused. Why are you addressing me in this manner?"

Tao's voice was mild. "It is the way a servant should address his master."

Feilong didn't expect the pain that shot through his heart at those words. "That never bothered you before. Why the change?"

Tao shrugged. "When one grows up, one begins to see more clearly, things they should have been aware of all along."

"What is that cryptic comment? What things?"

"One's place, Liu-daren."

"What exactly is that? And stop calling me that!"

"It is what you are to me. No more. No less."

Feilong stifled the rising panic in him. The ever-present calm brought about by Tao's presence was being torn apart like a mist in wind. Had it always been so fragile? "Tao. Why are you acting this way? I don't understand you today."

Tao looked at him, eyes blank. "Perhaps, Liu-daren, we never understood one another."

Tao bent and retrieved the red silk scarf from the bedroom floor. His face never changed. "I'll have this laundered, Master. If they cannot remove the bloodstains, I'll have them replace it." He bowed and left the room.

Feilong stared after him. He resisted the urge to call him back. After all, the boy was right. He was only a servant. Perhaps it was time he started seeing him as such. He ignored the trembling of his hand as he picked up the comb to finish his hair.


Outside the room, Tao sagged against the closed door. He kept his face down. What he felt was no one's business. He'd never let them know. Drops of water spattered on the dirtied silk in his hands.

There comes a time when one must grow up. When all illusions are shattered. When the heroes of childhood no longer appear shiny and bright, but reveal a coat of tarnish when examined under the harsh light of day.

He wiped his eyes and stood. He had many tasks to complete before he could sleep tonight. Though he knew that sleep would be a long time coming.


angst, tao, fei

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