Jan 07, 2009 10:12
Ridiculous amounts of snow. Not working. Actual honest-to-god blizzard on Sunday night. We lost the driveway on the other side. Fortunately, my landlord has just got a snowblower.
I had a sort of irritating and dreadfully boring day at work yesterday, got home all tired and distressed, and was greeted at the door by Ashley, who is still in town, who excitedly told me she had had a fit of Feng Shui and rearranged everything.
The couch is moved, the chairs are moved, my computer is moved, and we actually have a useable dining room table. It is pretty damn awesome. Ashley, Mike and I had a bit of a debate about this glass thing with Mickey Mouse on it, whether it was some sort of odd glass mousepad, or what, and where it came from. We think it was Kamrul's. He left a lot of stuff behind when he moved out. We also came to the conclusion that it is probably a trivet. I put it in the middle of the table, Mike said we needed a centerpiece, so I ran upstairs and grabbed this little vase of fake roses and ivy. And now we have a centerpiece. For some reason, we all find this highly amusing.
It is slightly less a bachelor pad around here. Slightly.
Also, with the couch moved I could suddenly see why the legs on the one side were crooked. I had assumed something was bent, but no, it just had some screws that needed tightening. Ashley had noticed this, as well, but lacked any sort of tools to fix it. I grabbed my hex keys, flipped the couch over, and fixed it. We are no longer afraid to sit on the right side of the sofa.
Ashley and I have been having an Anne of Green Gables marathon. She has it all on VHS. We're being ridiculous over it. I had a moment of "holy crap" when we meet Diana Barry's new future husband. I said, "Uh, I know that guy. Why do I know that guy?"
"He's one of the guys from, what's that show, Kids in the Hall."
".... oh my god you're right."
Later on is another guy from Kids in the Hall. What the hell. Why are they in this? This is hilarious.
Erica was recently down visiting grandparents, with Dad and Meg, and she finished the book she brought with her, and decided to raid the bookshelf there. She ended up deciding to borrow "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" and managed to read two stories before she came back. She is suddenly a huge fan. My mother was amazed when I told her this. Because Ricky is, after all, eleven.
Her decision to read this, of all things, possibly has something to do with the really odd and random literary discussion of Sherlock Holmes over the dinner table Christmas Eve. Which led into a discussion of The Three Stooges.
Erica is impressed all to hell by the fact that I own, in two volumes, the complete Sherlock Holmes.