Jun 30, 2008 09:24
Ashley showed up out of nowhere last night! She was showering went I left for my bike ride, but she appears to be gone now.
This meme amuses me, and I need to kill a little time, so.
Post 3 things you've done in your lifetime that you don't think anybody else on your friends list has done.
See if anybody else responds with "I've done that."
1.) Spent three weeks in the Yukon and North West Territories (with a brief foray into Hyder, Alaska, lasting about two minutes because there really isn't anything in Hyder), travelling the Dempster Highway, the only permanent road in North America to pass the Arctic Circle. Sat in the car in a campground outside Inuvik, listening to the radio with my father and eating cookies, both of us completely unable to sleep because it was three in the morning and the sun was still up. Some radio news feed from Johannesburg.
2.) Attended a family dinner with, among other people, both my paternal grandparents and my mother's girlfriend. It was pretty painless.
3.) Hiked the Mount Robson trail (23 km from trail head to the Robson Pass campsite), carrying tent and sleeping bag and food all on my back. Three times. Fell in Berg Lake once, while attempting to run from people who were intent on throwing me in.