où sont les neiges d'antan?

Mar 05, 2008 01:57

reading through some old journal entries from about 5 years ago, I came across this old survey and decided to fill it out again since I haven't posted one in forever. It amused me that there were almost 10 answers that I didn't have to change, because they were still the same today.

last kiss: last week
last good cry: a few weeks ago
last library book checked out: I don't remember the last time I went to the library... it's been at least a year.
last book read: The Crow (the graphic novel) (I've read it twice in the past three days)
last cuss word uttered: bitch, while talking about a crazy customer I had earlier today
last beverage drank: Pepsi
last food consumed: samoas girl scout cookies
last crush: Chris
last tv show watched: Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations
last time showered: last night
last shoes worn: Adidas sneakers
last cd played: Angie Aparo - The American
last annoyance: the crazy customers at work that think the world revolves around them
last disappointment: the terrible shift that I start working at the end of the month
last soda drank: Pepsi
last thing written: the translation of a quote from The Crow
last sleep: about 5 hours this morning
last im: Kevin
last sexual fantasy: :-x
last weird encounter: the other day I had a 5-minute conversation with Julie, the girl at work that Chris was seeing last month... a month ago she wouldn't even look at me and now she's making conversation with me? So weird. But I'd rather have awkward conversations with her than have her hate me and be jealous of me for no damn reason.
last ice cream eaten: french vanilla ice cream, last week
last time amused: earlier today at work
last time wanting to die: about a month ago
last time hugged: today
last time scolded: i don't remember
last time resentful: last month
last chair sat in: I'm sitting in my office chair at home right now. before that I was sitting my office chair at work
last lipstick used: don't remember the last time I wore lipstick. I couldn't live without lip gloss though, and it's gotta be vanilla!
last underwear worn: blue ones
last bra worn: a black one
last shirt worn: black polo shirt
last time dancing: whenever we last went to Cowboys
last poster looked at: the Jamie McMurray poster on the door to my office here at home
last show attended: oh wow. I don't know. It's been way too long since I've been to a concert
last webpage visited: flickr.com


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