Overall, I had a pretty good week. Monday and Tuesday at work were horrendous. We are understaffed right now and it sucks. Wednesday I took a much-needed vacation day and actually managed to be productive for most of the day. I ran errands, looked at some apartments, and made an attempt at scrapbooking. Then I went to hang out with Yeny at her new place. Ended up passing out and spending the night there.
Thursday was my regular day off. A rather strange day... absolutely nothing went as planned. Yeny and I did go to lunch with KC, then we drove all over town in rush-hour traffic, then we went to Cowboys that night with Kris as well. In the end, it was a good evening.
Friday it was back to work... but I had 3 hours off the phones for training, so that was great. I also had a surprise from Kris, which is pictured below. After work, Kris and I went across town to hang out with George, and Adam joined us later. We ended up at Denny's around 2am. I went to bed way too late and got up way too early to work at 10:30 on Saturday. After work, Yeny, KC andKris came over to hang out. We ended up watching The Departed, which was reeeally good. By then it was 4am (after the time change). We then ended up sitting out on the balcony for nearly 2 hours just talking. Those are really the best times, just sitting around talking and laughing. They finally left around 6:30am and I headed to bed.
Slept in til the afternoon, watched the race, did some cleaning, and went to dinner with Keith, Yeny and KC. Beef O' Brady's is a pretty decent place. It's now 3am. I've spent the past 2 hours uploading pictures and finding Dale Jr icons. I don't know how I'm still awake. I wanted to get up early and get stuff done around town but looks like that won't happen now. Anywho... I guess I should go to bed now.
Kris post-it noted my desk the other day. Well, not a true post-it-noting, but something like that. She did it a few weeks ago and I didn't have my camera, so she did it again this week and told me ahead of time so I could take pictures.
There's actually a mousepad under there.
I'm regarded as the mother of the group, and they regularly call me Mommy Katy. Somehow Kris has taken to calling me mamacita lately, which is amusing.
Even more post-it notes.
I took this one. My daily work environment. You can't see my cubicle; it's the next row over, to the right.
The interior of the call center used to be completely beige. Sometime last year they decided to paint some random walls blue (for AT&T), orange (for Cingular), or neon green (no clue how that fits in).
me, actually working! heh.