May 23, 2012 15:24

20th May: Some random thoughts on a random day:

x. I don't understand why most of my friends are so eager to graduate while I'm still right here wishing I could delay my University life, just so I wouldn't need to face the working world so soon. I can see how how guys want to rush their time through Uni, but girls? Why don't they want to enjoy their school lives more? We always tend to look back in our lives and regret things that we didn't do or wish we could extend, because we don't have them in the present. It's so common to hear working adults say that they wish they were students again, wish they had cherished their times in school, or even to take the dreaded exams again because working life sucks. Right now, I really don't wish to regret not spending enough quality time as a student because I was busy rushing through University just so I could get a job. However, it seems like I'm the only one (out of my friends) who is taking her time to move through the semesters and (tentatively) graduating 1 semester later than those from my batch -- considering I was already waived a lot of credits. Is it because I just fear the feeling of stepping out into the working world? Unlike everyone, I still have no plans for my future. Maybe I just don't want to grow up.

x. I also do not understand why most girls in SG have to apply thick makeup every single day, even to the beach or to swim. Why can't people just appreciate natural beauty? Sure, some girls really look super beautiful with makeup on (and a mile apart w/o) and I tend to be envious of how good they look -- most of the time I have to comfort myself that it was really just their makeup that did wonders on them -- but still, there's no need to be so made-up everytime... right? And don't they feel uncomfortable not being able to rub their eyelids, touch/scratch their faces without worrying about smudging their makeup? :/ Sometimes I worry for them. Or maybe I'm just jealous because I can't do proper makeup on myself. I look more hideous with makeup on, I think. Or I just don't wish to worsen my already-pretty-bad complexion. Probably the only times I apply makeup is during my dance performances/competitions or wedding dinners/special occasions (and they are not even thick) that call for a need to be dressed up. Oh, I can say I'm pretty ashamed though, that at the age of 22 I still need help from my friends to do my makeup for me, but I'm also proud that I'm not reliant on makeup and I'm (quite) satisfied with how I look naturally. Just that I always feel inferior whenever I see girls with makeup on and they look terribly pretty I can't help staring. Le sigh :(
/edit I don't exactly understand the saying: 'There are no ugly girls, there are only lazy girls'. It makes us think that we can only be pretty if we have makeup and hence become reliant on it. Does it mean that those who don't makeup (and feel ugly) are all lazy? Perhaps they just don't find a NEED for it?

x. Okay, I realise I am quite long-winded.


23rd May: Just got back home from a 3D2N getaway at Bintan! Will blog about it soon :)

rants, random

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