Spreading the news, even though you'll probably have heard of it by now as it's so late in the evening already:
There's been a security breach in LJ last night by way of embedded videos and/or media. Various journals got infected (I'd like to know who started all this, probably a lame spambot, fie on you!), and malicious flash content got edited into people's most recent entries. Then LJ promptly mass-disabled embedding for fear of it spreading and
posted about it in
news, which is a much more eloquent explanation than mine. They've
fixed the loophole entirely by now naturally, so there's no risk or danger any longer.
By the looks of it, no one on my flist got infected (at least those who have posted more recently, ie. in the last day or so), so I wasn't infected either. Sheer luck indeed. Cheers guys ;). However, you might want to take a better look at your journals, make sure there's no strange embedding in any of your, like, last 20 entries. Especially the folks who do newslettering and such. Anyway, it wasn't extra-harmful or anything, well, excepting the fact that whoever was behind those attacks was harvesting e-mail addresses right left and centre, THE CHEEK OF IT! So, people, if you were hit by the unfortunate flash code, mind the hose your head for spammers, as always.
In other news: GIP!, or How Jules Changed Her Default Userpic The Other Day. \o/