Apr 11, 2005 17:11
I was looking forward to tutoring today. Unfortunatly, I missed my ride/my ride did not show up. So I went back to work, where they didn't really need me. But I hung around anyhow. I dyed a skirt, which turned out pretty, but it's too big, so I had to take it in, and now it looks funny, bubbly down the sides. I also found a pattern to make my own circle skirt. I was sad to miss tutoring, but I learned a few things. I keep doing that. And I don't mean I learn the dates for Art History, or the four major Chinese Philosophies, unfortunatly. But I suppose observing and learning about myself will make me wiser in the long run. Today I learned:
I should eat a bigger lunch.
I should take more time and care when sewing even cheap stuff.
I like sewing. Even more than the pool, at least on cold days like today.
I like tutoring, dispite the fact that I aid the evil brain-washing machine of public education.
Not getting enough sleep makes me cry at the stupidest things.
And with that, I think I will retreat into the bright, sunshiney pages of my book.