Rnadom thoughts...

Feb 18, 2008 00:24

I miss the JAG and NCIS fandoms.....people were awesome there. I mean, I've met some cool people in the Doctor Who fandom but I haven't found a site yet where I really....fit? I know I sound like one of those geeky types who don't come out of their basements and sit there surfing the net and eating Cheetos all day, but really....

JAGfans and FoN had awesome people. I was never afraid to share my opinions or to be myself. (Minus one person once on FoN and I think I was actually gone for most of that. :P) With Doctor Who, I mostly lurk because I'm afraid I'll be flogged for adoring Rose and called a racist because I really don't like Martha all that much.

*sighs* Fandom used to be so much simpler for me.

I'm debating about trying to get back into those fandoms, but for one, I don't know if the same people are even there, and two, I've sort of....fallen out of the fandom? I'm not as involved as I once was (heck, I've missed almost two entire seasons of NCIS now......season.....4 (?) killed it for me).

Weird random post I know, but after reading a post from freetheelves2 and thinking about what's happening on Teaspoon, I needed to get this out.



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