Eleven/Amy: I am so almost sold

May 15, 2010 01:07

I desperately want to ship Eleven/Amy from Doctor Who, even though its destined for doom because its Doctor Who and there are  no such things as happy endings. I don't care if his head is shaped like a lantern or that she's engaged yet still skanky enough to try to get down with the Doctor on the night before her wedding. They aren't Rose/9 or Rose/10 but they have this:

Eleven: Amy, you need to start trusting me, its never been more important.
Amy: But you don't always tell me the truth.
Eleven: If I always told you the truth, I wouldn't need you to trust me.
Amy: Doctor, the crack in my wall how can it be here?
Eleven: I don't know yet but I'm working out. Now listen. Remember what I told you when you were 7?
Amy: What did you tell me?
Eleven: No. (Presses his head desperately against hers) That's the whole point. You have to remember. (kisses her forehead)

Yeah, I screencapped it. Its too gorgeous not to.

Of course its been pointed out that the fact that he's wearing a jacket in this scene and wasn't in the previous has certain future implications but right now I'm just focusing on the awwww. And I love that she doesn't quite trust him because she did before when she was a child and she was left waiting and disappointed. And that he's still protecting her just as he tried to do when she was a child as though he's trying to atone for letting her down the first time. He's determined to protect her, he didn't leave her to die the first time. But he won't sugarcoat the situation, such as when she's dying and he says that saying she's not isn't going to cure her. This version can be brutally pragmatic yet still be emotionally invested. When the angels for possess Amy and force her to count down to her death just for the fun of scaring her, and we see the Doctor go from curious composure to outright fury, like he can't quite believe that something could be so cruel, I could see the righteous anger that fueled 9 and 10.

Matt Smith has a talent to switch moods on a dime like a bipolar mad professor.

I couldn't really ship them before because he seemed to be ditching her half the time but then there are moments where he is right in her face and the two of them are so close and all of a sudden I'm thinking "make ooouuutttt. Make out, damnit!" And in Weeping Angels two parter, he does that thing that non-kiss thing that OTP's do when they just press their foreheads together and it happens twice. TWICE. In the same episode as his quote-unquote future "wife", River Song, who is awesome on paper and is pretty cool in her interactions with Amy which made me momentarily not want to smack her for her smugness and her constantly rubbing how much more she knows than the Doctor. Yeah, she's a feminist dream and the Doctor is ten times more arrogant but sue me, she gets on my nerves.

And the look on his face when Amy tells him she wants to go home?

Or his shock at finding out she's getting married the next day? Yeah, it's probably more "Holy crap, the seven year old I met only a few days ago is getting married" but I like to think that this new incarnation already imprinted on her and is possessive to an extent. Oh and they make out. Seriously. Ok she jumps him and he spazzes out like a chess club nerd on prom night but there was tongue! As Nate Fick would say "I am assured of this".

All gifs courtesy of hauntes  at nightingails 

pics, doctor who

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