Meme and Rec

Oct 01, 2015 17:23

I recently finished Amazon's Transparent and really liked it. Did anyone on my FLIST watch it? If not, I recommend it. Without spoiling too much. Most of the press on Transparent focuses on its study of gender expression sexuality. However while Transparent does a fine job of that, I felt its study of parenting and reform Judaism in America meant even more to me- even though all three concepts are linked beautifully. I actually started the show expecting just a "Rah! Rah! transgendered rights" show that I could just nod along with in agreement, but found a far more complex show where gender issues are THE POINT but also, part and parcel of a larger study of what makes humans functional.

I'm in the mood for a meme. Pick a (1) show (2) season of a show (3) pairing (4) character and I'll try to give three (or more) unpopular opinions. (Not sure if I have unpopular opinions for everything- but take a leap. I'm pretty ornery.)

transparent: it's chopped liver!, meme

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