Meme and Rec

Oct 01, 2015 17:23

I recently finished Amazon's Transparent and really liked it. Did anyone on my FLIST watch it? If not, I recommend it. Without spoiling too much. Most of the press on Transparent focuses on its study of gender expression sexuality. However while Transparent does a fine job of that, I felt its study of parenting and reform Judaism in America meant ( Read more... )

transparent: it's chopped liver!, meme

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Comments 20

velvetwhip October 1 2015, 21:30:06 UTC
How about Season 1 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer?



sunclouds33 October 1 2015, 22:06:58 UTC
1. Cool! How 'bout for starters, I LOVE Season 1. Fans treat it like the dog of seasons- but actually, I rate it above S6-7. I think it's really consistent- not a bad ep in the bunch. The Master appears in Ep 1, but he never feels boring or like his villain plot isn't organized or like the writers didn't think his powers through. He's a straight-up vamp with a consistent origin story who goes through a number of side-kicks to play off with to the point where I get why *he* feels all claustrophobic below ground, but *I* don't feel claustrophobic in his scenes. LOL ( ... )


velvetwhip October 1 2015, 22:32:49 UTC
I agree with this - all of it - so much! Thank you!



kikimay October 1 2015, 21:35:07 UTC
Since I'm in the mood for Harry Potter I'll say ... Hermione Granger? Let's see. And also Xander/Willow, if you want more.


sunclouds33 October 2 2015, 00:40:17 UTC
I'll do both! My Hermione answers may be lame. Harry Potter was My First Online Fandom back in middle school but I dropped fandoming after those intense years- even though I still love the canon. So, I don't know exactly what the fandom is thinking and my POV may be arrested development.

1. I agree with JK Rowling's admission that she regretted putting Hermione and Ron together. I didn't like Hermione/Ron at the time. It's not a knock against either of them. I LOVE Hermione and I like Ron- it's just I saw nothing in their relationship that credibly lifted them from "friendship" to "romance". There was no spark. JK Rowling was right that the relationship was "wish fulfillment" and that most tiresome, common wish fulfillment that a smart, ambitious, high-strung woman can conquer the world and be skipping butterflies happy and calm if she has some guy TO GROUND HER. Like, being grounded as opposed to flying is some aspiration. Hmmm, I'll contrast them to Willow/Xander in my answer for them...stay tuned ( ... )


sunclouds33 October 2 2015, 02:16:29 UTC


sunclouds33 October 2 2015, 02:16:48 UTC
3. I'll cheat a little and copy this from another UO post because I feel strongly about it:

I think S4 Xander had a legitimate beef that he felt abandoned by the Scoobies. However, I think he has much less of an argument against Willow than Giles and Buffy. First, Xander made a choice all on his own to distance himself from Willow because of the Fluking and because frankly, he was out to be more than their childhood friendship. Throughout S4, I never see Xander making any kind of effort to draw closer to Willow. He commutes to campus to see Buffy and he's an eager shoulder for Buffy's personal problems who goes out of his way to engage with her (putting off his bartending boss to talk to her, going off on the Initiative mission with Buffy over Anya's objections). He tries very hard to draw closer to Giles. He constantly goes to Giles's house and even tries doing stuff like book sorting to hang out. However, Xander makes no effort to be closer to Willow in S4 ( ... )


pocochina October 2 2015, 03:17:05 UTC
I watched Transparent! It is really good.

For the meme: Agents of SHIELD, S2 if you watched it, and/or Grant Ward if you didn't. Or UnREAL! Or GoT S5, because shit-talk about GoT fandom gives me life.


sunclouds33 October 2 2015, 12:41:25 UTC
Ack, I haven't seen S2 of AoS or hung out much in fandom since mid-S2. I'll take Game of Thrones for sure. (I'd take UnREAL but I need to give it some thought. I think I'm pretty mainstream for UnREAL. I need to think to stir up some controversy....Everlasting style ( ... )


sunclouds33 October 2 2015, 16:57:54 UTC
UnREAL UOs ( ... )


sunclouds33 October 2 2015, 16:58:05 UTC
2. I know that I love doing cross-TV show comparisons- but as a corollary to #1, I don't think Rachel has much in common with Tony Soprano or Walter White or even Don Draper (although there's more similarities with Don). Frankly if I was going to compare Rachel to a Mad Men character, I'd compare her to Peggy Olson which bears LOTS of similar fruit. I do think advertising is less offensive than reality show trash, and actually, SCDP/SC&P is a pretty decent shop by Madison Avenue standards while I"m given to understand that Everlasting is notorious by reality standards ( ... )


frelling_tralk October 3 2015, 07:46:30 UTC
1. The Good Wife?

2. Season 2 of Dollhouse?

3. Hmm Walt and Skyler from BB maybe?

4. Buffy Summers?


sunclouds33 October 3 2015, 20:06:43 UTC
Your prompts were great. I felt like doing them all. I did three- but wrote too much for comments. My answers are here.


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