Semestral Break + fic WiP's

Oct 18, 2012 23:26

So, after a really tiring first semester at college, I can finally rest for a mo' and catch up on my life on the Internet (seriously, when was the last time I posted I can't even--).

→ First of all, I finally got around to reviving my Twitter! If you've got one, add me. @psychoHANNAlyze (tho, you should probably leave a comment here first so I know it's you xD)
→ Also, I've got three new WiP's going on. First is a Nico/Rachel one for prplesockerstar because she gifted me with such a beautiful fic that helped me get through my finals.

Percy looked at him. “I have to know, though. How did you - Nico di Angelo, kid who barely got through high school - end up as a consultant for art forgeries? I would’ve understood if it were for precious metals and shit like that; you’re practically hardwired for that job with your son-of-Hades metal-detecting powers. But art?”

Nico groaned. “I blame Rachel. She brainwashed me. Planted information in my head every time she said some random art fun-fact and made sure it stayed there.”

It was silent for a while until Percy snorted. “You’re seriously going with mind control.” He said flatly, shooting the younger man a look.

The son of Hades shot his cousin a look of his own. “Now you’re going tell me all those architectural facts you told me over the years were from you reading about them and not from Annabeth, right?” He retorted.

“That’s totally different,” Percy defended, causing Nico to roll his eyes. “Really, it is! I love Annabeth. That makes me hardwired to tune in to everything she says. I never stood a chance. So unless you’re trying to tell me that... Holy shit, Nico. You-“

Nico took one look at his cousin’s wide eyes and accusatory finger pointing at him, and promptly scowled. “Finish that sentence and I will send all the ghosts in Manhattan after you.”

→ Next is a Percy/Annabeth fic prompted by saturninepen who wanted to see Percy and Annabeth discuss Percy's lack of invulnerability during MoA. I'm really worried for this fic for so many reasons, most of which involve them being too cheesy/too OOC in general, but ugh.

Annabeth frowned at him. “Why didn’t you mention any of this before?”

Percy shrugged slightly, not meeting her eyes. “It didn’t seem important at the time.” He muttered.

“Not important?” She asked incredulously, sitting up and looking down at him. “Percy, you’re vulnerable again. Jason could’ve seriously injured you today.”

“If I were still invulnerable, Blackjack wouldn’t have been able to stop me and I would’ve killed Jason.” He pointed out.

Annabeth narrowed her eyes. “Were you ever going to tell us? Tell me?” She knew she was starting to sound like the ‘clingy girlfriend,’ but di immortales, she was the only one apart from Percy who knew where his link to the mortal world was. Hell, she was his anchor to the mortal world. She deserved to know if that spot - the one that connected the two of them - still existed.

“I was going to tell you, but-”

She whipped around and glared at him. “Then when, Percy? When you get hurt? That already happened. If it Blackjack had kicked you a little harder, your head would've been bashed in."

"Blackjack wouldn't have done tha-"

“What were you going to say, anyway? ‘By the way, Annabeth, I don’t have the Curse of Achilles anymore, so I’m probably going to get my ass kicked more often. Just like old times. Sorry I didn’t get to tell you before I got a new dent to my skull. Haha, my bad?’”

→ Finally, there's a Leo/Reyna fic for my friend (who, sadly, does not have a livejournal. MEL GO MAKE ONE NOW). She absolutely loves Reyna and, like me, is pretty peeved with the whole 'Jason/Reyna isn't working.' FU RR. I JUST WANT REYNA TO HAVE A HAPPY ENDING. IS THAT SO BAD?

Despite herself, Reyna let out a short burst of laughter that was actually a snort more than anything. When she looked at Leo, she found him staring openly at her. She shifted uncomfortably.

"What?" She asked hotly.

"You... You just laughed at my joke."

Reyna raised an eyebrow. "Jokes are generally laughed at, Valdez."

"You never laugh at my jokes!"

"Well, your jokes aren't funny most of the time." She replied, rolling her eyes.

"You have a really pretty laugh." Leo blurted out rather bluntly.

And it was ridiculous, but Reyna found herself blushing. Leo was turning red as well.

"Shit, that wasn't supposed to come out. Uhhh..." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.


→ Hopefully, I can get all that done along with all the mixes/fanart I've been doing. This is gonna be one busy break.

character!(pjato: reyna), character!(pjato: percy jackson), story of my life, fanwork!(wip's), character!(pjato: rachel dare), character!(pjato: nico di angelo), character!(pjato: annabeth chase), pairing!(percy/annabeth), pairing!(leo/reyna), character!(pjato: leo valdez), pairing!(nico/rachel), fandom!(percy jackson and the olympians)

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