10 Categories My Ships Fall Into

Sep 12, 2012 22:41

10 categories my ships fall into
(and the top 3+ ships under it)
Damn, it's been a while since I posted a list of 10. Anyway, like it says up there, these are the 10 major categories of my ships.

#1: The Best Friends
Because I am a hopeless romantic and the best-friends-turned-lovers is just too adorable.
  • Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase; Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus (OTP FOREVER, RIGHT THERE.)
  • Alex/Rosie Dunne; Love, Rosie
  • Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley; Harry Potter (Well, this has a bit of my headcanon innit but oh well.)

#2: Like Where the Heck did That Come From
Those pairings which would otherwise have been crack because canon gives little to no indication of it whatsoever but oh I still love them so.
  • Nico di Angelo/Rachel Elizabeth Dare; Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus
  • Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu/ Raimu "Rhyme" Bito; The World Ends With You
  • Sokka/Toph; Avatar (Though, I'm not quite sure if this was ever hinted)
  • Leo/Reyna; Heroes of Olympus

#3: What Could Have Been
The pairings that would always make me ask: "What if?"
  • Luke Castellan/Thalia Grace; Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus (They give me all the fnicking painful feels)
  • Jacob Black/Leah Clearwater; Twilight (Because although I ended up hating this series with a passion, I probably wouldn't have hated it as much if they had ended up together.)
  • Gale Hawthorne/Katniss Everdeen; The Hunger Games
  • BONUS: Theodore "Laurie" Lawrence/Josephine "Jo" March; Little Women (Because a classic had to appear at some point)

#4: Ohmygod Everything Hurts but Everything is Beautiful at the Same Time
Those people who are so perfect for each other but then something happens and one/both of them die andandand THE PAIN. TT_____TT
  • Finnick Odair/Annie Cresta; The Hunger Games
  • Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks; Harry Potter
  • Augustus "Gus" Waters/Hazel Grace; The Fault in Our Stars

#5: It Might as Well be Canon
Those pairings that canon just hints at SO BADLY but they never just say it straight out.
  • Nara Shikamaru/Sabaku no Temari; Naruto
  • Alec Hardison/Parker; Leverage (Technically, they are canon now but...)
  • Hyuuga Neji/Tenten; Naruto

#6: We've Totally Got that Forbidden Love Thing Going on
Like Romeo and Juliet, only their love takes longer to develop and they don't die at the end(well, most of them don't).
  • Scorpius Malfoy/Rose Weasley; Harry Potter ("Don't be too friendly with him, Rosie. Granddad would never forgive you if you married a Malfoy." Ron was totally asking for it, yo.)
  • Adrian Ivashkov/Sydney Sage; Vampire Academy/Bloodlines
  • Marco/Celia Bowen; The Night Circus

#7: Hi I Hated You When We First Met
There's a fine line between hate and love, as the cliche goes. Besides, it was all probably UST anyway.
  • James Potter/Lily Evans; Harry Potter
  • Richard Castle/Kate Beckett; Castle
  • Hiccup/Astrid; How to Train Your Dragon

#8: A Couple of Kickass Colleagues
Emphasis on couple.
  • Clint "Hawkeye" Barton/Natasha "Black Widow" Romanova; The Avengers 2012 (I know it isn't canon in the comicverse BUT STILL.)
  • Dimitri Beliikov/Rose Hathaway; Vampire Academy/Bloodlines
  • Roy Mustang/Riza Hawkeye; Fullmetal Alchemist

#9: She is a Game Changer
All the boys in this category found the girl that they geniunely want to be better for.
  • Jacob/Hannah; Crazy, Stupid, Love
  • Christian Ozera/Lissa Dragomir; Vampire Academy/Bloodlines
  • Tony Stark/Pepper Potts; Iron Man (Again, not comic-verse canon, but meh)

#10: We Didn't Exactly have the Most Normal Introduction did We
Those people who had a less-than-conventional first meeting. Nothing says 'this person is the one' quite like finding out he's actually a she (...oh God; that sounded wrong).
  • Aleksandar Ferdinand/Deryn Grant; Leviathan
  • Sherlock Holmes/Irene Adler; Sherlock (I know Irene is bi-leaning-towards-lesbian but these two are just too adorable.)
  • W. W. Hale/Katarina Bishop; Heist Society
  • BONUS: Eugene "Flynn Rider" Fitzherbert/Rapunzel; Tangled
  • BONUS: Fa Mulan/Li Shang; Mulan

BONUS CATEGORY: The Epic Bromance
Not necessarily shippy in the romantic sense; these are like the bros forevah.
  • Sherlock Holmes&John Watson; Sherlock
  • Charles Xavier&Erik Lensherr; X-Men
  • Neal Caffrey&Peter Burke; White Collar
  • BONUS: James Potter&Sirius Black; Harry Potter

completely unrelated: 10 random facts, story of my life, for the love of fandom!(fangirl rant), masterlist

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