A Pleasant interlude

Jan 31, 2014 12:03

Or, you know, maybe unpleasant, depending on which sim you favor.
Warning: my Pleasants are very unhealthy psychologically.  Do not take their attitudes to interpersonal relationships as expressed in this post as being anything but a bad idea!  In fact, if you do agree with one of them, it might be a good idea to seek out a counselor.  Heaven knows they all should!

Matters proceeded apace, as they do: Mary-Sue got demoted but walked back to work before Daniel made his move on Kaylynn.

Dustin came home with Angie from school.

"Are you crazy, Lil?  I'm chatting up this hot redhead here, er, I mean helping make family friends so your mother and I can get promotions, and you want me to help you, of all people, earn a body skill point?  I have more important things to do.  Go do your homework!  And leave my punching bag alone.  You're a girl.  Try acting a little more ladylike."

"I'll show him.  I'm gonna get an athletic scholarship to college, not just a body skill point.  See who's laughing then!"

Angie desperately wants love, and the only way to get love is to give others what they want.  Mom and Dad love her when her grades are good, after all.

Hard work pays off, and Lil feels like she's looking pretty good.  Maybe she can face her school work soon.  The new public school is better than the old one: she got to play basketball at break with a couple guys who said 'nice shot' and not 'nice butt!'

But first the Oldies call Mary-Sue up to go out to dinner downtown.  The Oldies are living in that monstrosity behind the Goths, which has become a retirement home.  I imagine the motto is something like "Tired of being used as an unpaid nanny?  Come play poker with us all day!"  The Oldies and Goodies live there so far.

Daniel talks his wife into doing what romance sims most want to do on a lot with a photobooth, and the rest of the party occupies themselves.

"I can't believe you'd go out to dinner dressed so slutty!"
"Takes one to know one, Angie!"
"Why, you . . . how dare you!"
"Girls!  Really!"  Coral loves both her granddaughters.  She knows that her daughter's marriage isn't the best: Mary-Sue is always telling her how perfect Daniel is, and that reminds her of how Mary-Sue talked about her former elementary school best friend, Kaylynn Langaraak, right before their big falling out.

Lil didn't really want to sit by her mom, but she did want to sit with her grandparents.  They don't understand at all, but they do care.

Daniel adores Angie.  She reminds him so much of how Mary-Sue used to be, back in high school and college.  He doesn't know how to tell her that he doesn't like Dustin because Dustin reminds him of himself as a teen.

Yeah, Mary-Sue, gossiping about your sister-in-law in front of your daughter who likes her better than you . . . not smart.  That's gonna get back to Jennifer.

"Dad, could you help me with my essay, please?"
"No, Lil.  I have more important things to do.  Go do your own homework instead of trying to get someone to do it for you."
"I'm leaving!  You'd like it better without me, anyway!"

Lil runs away, but only gets as far as the pool before the police, called quickly by Mary-Sue, pick her up.

"I'll help with your essay, Lily.  Your mother's helping Angie."
"Thanks, Grandma."

Dustin brings by an expensive art object.  There's no way he could afford such a thing, but he is a criminal.
Angie's Uncle John is a police officer.  She better put that away soon.  But her parents don't often have her aunt and uncle over.

Marital bliss.  Nothing's wrong here.

"Morning, Tank.  Hey, you'll be at school today, right?  Cool!  See you on the court at lunch!"
One of Lil's new basketball friends works out at five am.  So why wouldn't she give him a ring before school?  She's been up and working out, too.

Angie hits the chat rooms, thinking about her lovely vase Dustin gave her.

When they get home, Lil heads straight for the pool.

Angie sits in the living room with her dad, but she watches Cooking with Isabella reruns while he reads about automobile repair.

Lil comes in from the pool, knocks out that homework assignment so it won't be hanging over her head all weekend,

And heads back to the punching bag.  Working out is suddenly very important to her, and her new friendships with Tank Grunt and Rick Contrary are not the only reason why, though they are a reason.  Punching the bag is just as satisfying as punching Angie, and it doesn't actually hurt anyone.  Lil is vaguely aware that she could probably do some real damage in a physical altercation with her sister now.

Angie fixes dinner.  Salad, because that's, um, healthy and stuff, and they should all watch their weight, right?  If she got fat, no one would love her.

Tank also has a difficult sibling and a parent with high and perhaps not reasonable expectations.
"You going out tonight?"
"Nope.  You?"
"I'm having a party tomorrow.  During the day, like, my parents will be at work and we have a pool."
"I'll be there."

And I'll be breaking this into parts, apparently, as LJ is refusing to let me upload any more pics.  I suppose I could learn to use tumblr, but, well, it took me long enough to figure out LJ.

pleasants, megahood, pleasantview

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