London Trip

Sep 05, 2005 15:44

So London was absolutely amazing! Westminster Abbey was unbelievably incredible. It was so extravagantly built...truly an awesome piece of architecture. After seeing Westminster Abbey, the Hampton Court Palace was nothing. Haha. The British museum was gorgeous, and I saw portraits done by such painters as Rembrandt, Raphael, and Michaelangelo, to name a few. Soooo crazy.

So let's see, we arrived at the hotel after a long and grueling bus ride. This was mainly sparked by that fact that the English apparently cannot travel for long periods of time, so they obviously made us take a mandatory 45 minute break after only driving for 1 1/2 hours. Oi. So we left at 9 and arrived in London at about 12:30, which was decent, considering we drove in by coach. So the people who were signed up for the London Eye went to that and the rest of us had a London bus tour while waiting for the London Eye people. We checked into our hotels and had a grand ol' time. So a couple of other girls and I hung out and took the tube to Piccadilly Circus where we were gonna meet people later that night. So we find Katie, Amanda, and Lauren at Piccadilly Circus, then we met up with four other people, then everybody dispersed into their various groups, while Marie, Katie, Amanda, and I took a black London taxi to the Hard Rock Cafe, only to find out that it had burnt down the previous month. We went to the store though, so that was kewl. Let's see, so after hanging out down there, we got lost walking for 45 minutes in the ritzy part of London. We knew we were getting closer to someplace as soon as people started wearing jeans instead of really nice clothes. We found a tube station and took the Tube back to Russel Square, where the hotel was. So we ate at a pub for dinner, and by that time, we were all pretty beat, so Amanda and Katie said their goodbyes and went back to their hotel in Piccadilly Circus, while Marie and I went on a quest for ice cream. We never found any. We gave up and went back to our hotel room and just hung out and talked until we fell asleep.

Saturday I did all the sight-seeing stuff by myself, cuz I kinda got sick of being around a bunch of people all the time. I took the Tube all over the place, and now I will take the time to comment on that. The Tube is the most efficient thing ever. I am so impressed with how awesomely on time it is and how easy it make for getting around. Why doesn't the US have it? Anyway, the tube's a great thing considering how awful the driving is in London. But off that tangent, I hung out by myself, saw the sights, then for dinner, went to Subway, just because I haven't had a decent sandwhich in like a week and a half. The guys there were sooo awesome, and they gave me a free Subway cup which I promptly filled to the brim with ice. Oh, the ice was heavenly, lemme tell ya. So all in all, Saturday was very productive and fun.

Now Saturday was fun too, cuz I met some of my buddies at the pub by our hotel, and we were just hanging out and stuff. While ordering a drink, this really awesome Canadian guy named Ryan started talking to me, so we went out and hung out with his Canadian and Australian buddies. They were all totally kewl, and we had an awesome time.

Sunday we visited Hamton Court and came back to Harlaxton. I was so excited to come back, just cuz I totally missed Katie and Amanda, so it was awesome hanging with them two again. So that's my story. First weekend trip was a success, and next weekend I'm just gonna go to Lincoln and Cambridge.

By the way, I'm making it to my 4:10 class today, which I'm excited about.
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