[part 1 here] So after the FMA voica actors Q&A, there was Aaron's autograph signing. I, finding him adorable at the Q&A, decided to go :)
On my way there, I bumped into a couple of friends who were already waiting for that so I stuck around with them. When the actual line formed, it ended up being two of us and my friend was so cute xD She has this really high-pitched voice and she was so star-struck while we were waiting in line. <3 haha
At some point, this person gave Aaron a big Kirby plushie to sign and he took it in both arms, squished it and hugged it in such a cute way, all the girls who saw it melted in a simultaneous "AWWWW" xD the more we got close, the more my friend was starting to blush and stuff haha <3
It was finally our turn and as he was signing hers, I made fun of him for his 11-year old autographing story (see last post) and i said i wanted to see it so he signed my friend's autograph like that xD One of my friends wanted to go but couldn't make it so i got his autograph for her and also got her a message. I know i posted it already but it's just soooo cute x) hahaha
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He was really sweet and funny <3 such a charming boy haha
After that, I went to see Himeka's concert. For those who are unfamiliar with her, Himeka is a Canadian girl from Laval (if i'm not mistaken) who dreamed of becoming a Japanese singer and left for Japan in 2008 to pursue her dream. She won an Anime Song Competition and was signed to Sony Japan to sing the opening for an anime in 2009. She now has many singles and an album under her belt. It's so crazy because she is friends with a lot of people i know from Otakuthon!
Anyway, she was amazing. Simply amazing. She sounds exactly as on CD and, though she forgot her lyrics a few times and restarted because she was probably so nervous, she did a fantastic job! Her voice is so beautiful!! And she is soooo pretty <3 This is one of my favorite songs of hers.
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this was her debut single (with sound/clip synching problems)
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I kind of regret not having gone to Vic's Q&A at that time because he shows a video the FMA cast did that he ONLY shows at cons.. but seeing Himeka was incredible too.
After that, i changed and left to convention to go do an interview for CONFRONT Magazine haha I got lost...-_- and had to backtrack a lot. BUt the guy was such a sweetheart <3 and when i asked how much the show was, he said "don't worry about it, i'll put you on the guestlist!" even though i said i might not be able to make it <33 aww
So yeah...i went back to the con after that, spent time with one of my friends i RARELY see at conventions because that girl knows EVERYONE. she had an awesome cosplay though so every two steps, we'd have to stop so people could take her picture xD
Went to check out the dance...left pretty fast. Kind of regret it because i learned afterwards that Vic sang apparently. -__- but it was just a bunch of hyper little kids jumping around and/or doing a huge line -____-
instead, my friend and i headed over to the Pika Pika! Light Graffiti workshop, where we took 15-sec pictures in the dark, with LED lights to make awesome drawings! it was epic! once they post the photos, i'll post them here x) we wrote Otakuthon 2010 with the lights, we did a scene where my friend throws me a ball of fire and i fly backwards (this took 5 shots i think) and other stuff! really fun!
last part coming soon...hahahah xD