some news

May 25, 2009 00:12

good news. I know that this might sound a bit weird, but I just love creating LJ accounts. I love picking an username, looking for new icons, then choosing a layout and then just sitting and staring at my journal while it's still fresh, clean and beautiful. *ahem* So from now on, I will post my personal entries there --> two_blocks. If anyone feels okay about having three me in their friendlist and is interested in my life, add me :)

All sims related entries will be on this journal.
bad news. There's something awfully wrong with my computer. It went wrong after I installed & uninstalled The Sims 3 - because it didn't work - obviously it was the straw that broke the camel's back (that's a weird phrase), because, well, my computer hasn't been updated for.. like.. 7 years and.. well, I am a fool, why the hell did I try to install that game?!
So now it keeps restarting itself , giving me the weirdest errors and telling me that virtual memory is too low - even if I uninstalled a bunch of unneccesary programs and deleted a ton of files. And not recognising the internet modem. Oh, and the most interesting thing is that I tried to fix that by deleting and reinstalling my internet connections, and that was how I discovered my CD-ROM doesn't work (and I can't reinstall them), but my internet is working just fine, even if, theorically, I don't have an internet connection at all. Blah, whatever. :/

So my father is insisting on buying me a new computer and the bad thing about this is that I am not able to do a backup of anything and I would lose all my Ksnyatin Point  and that-other-storie's-(which-is-in-progress-and-doesn't-have-a-title-yet) characters and houses and it would take me ages to remake everything. I don't feel like starting from the beginning.

oops, my system is shutting down itself in 48 seconds, good night, I will let you know when I will know if I am getting my computer fixed or a new one D :
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