This weekend has been an entire blast! This year thus far has been an entire blast.
A dear friend of mine is moving onto better things and as such he hosted a "Take Everything I Own" party. His house was chock full of treasure. Anything you could imagine, he has it. As such, I now have the most deliteful sleek, shieek, purple relaxing lounge, reading, have wild rompous sex on it SOFA..
[edit] I did not have rompous sex on the new purple sofa, I simply used those words as adjectives to describe my in love feeling I have for this new piece of furniture.. carry on, move along, much to see here!
It is convienently located in front of the enormous picture window. I moved the papa-san that was there to the other enormouse picture window. Since Queer Eye for the Straight Guy was on and since I do feel straight now and then, not in sex darlings, but in fashion and sometimes just gay sense.. I redecorated the entire place to look absolutely fabulous!
Well, let me tell you how Victor and I transported the sofa to my abode! We had no vehicle, we had no dolly.. we just picked it up from our follys and moved it ourselves! We were able to pull the purple sofa upright and then tilt it on it's side. I had previously ensured that the doors would be wide open so as not to damage his place. We then continued out of his apartment complex and off down Buena (the street Victor lives on) we then passed by the fabulous new cafe (which the name of it escapes me at the moment) and made the patrons of said cafe smile with glee and envy as they saw the purple beauty being majestically carried down the street. So, we make the turn on to clarendon and make it about a block before we needed a break, desperately. Our hands and arms were quite stressed. We had a nice time as we had set the couch down in the middle of the sidewalk and just relaxed ourselves. We then regained our strenght and proceeded. But as we did, we discovered the most beautiful icicle sculpture, and not just one, but three! They were absolutely something to look at and so we decided to set our relaxing center (purple sofa) right down there and enjoy the view. We sat there for quite awhile, just marveling at the beauty before us. Okay, so we regained our strength and pushed on. It was fabulous walking through the snow with a huge comfortable relaxing purple sofa! We made it to my building and immediately the security guard and maintainence engineer saw what was happening. The look of envy in their eyes was just too much. The M.E. came out and I said something like, oh my friend is moving and he has to get rid of this couch, so I said I'll take it and I just must get it up to my apartment this very evening! So, with that said, the M.E. opened the door and Victor and I did our thing. We made it to the moving elevator with a minimum of fuss. Thank goodness! So we get to my apartment and I open the door, Star - my kitty started hissing a little, she wasn't sure what was going on, but little did she know that oh boy oh boy, there was something wonderful coming through that door, yes indeed, something wonderful!
So we manage to get rid of all the junk hording up the hallway and holding the beautifulness with our hands we move it in and carry to the picture window. I set it down and immediately creamed! I was so in joy, I could not contain myself what-so-ever! Victor loved it. He said something like this thing was made for this place. We sat there just marveling at the beauty that reined deep inside.. it is a wonderful thing!