Oct 11, 2009 18:51
With my 23rd Birthday coming up in a couple weeks I am still not sure what I want to do if I do anything. Last year was really cool. 22 has flewn by and been one of the best years of my life even from the beginning with all of the trips out of town, shows, events at school, etc. A lot has happened in the last year and once again I am in awe of how much has changed with a lot of people from the Trail finally getting out and going to school out of town which is something that I had hopes of that bothered me for a time but I finally just put things into perspective of finishing college. Even the main dude that I have chilled with since High School moved, went to trade school, and is working some travel welding job in West Virginia at the moment. I've also enjoyed meeting the people that I have had the chance to meet and get to know over the past year, several of whom I met during my birthday/ halloween festivities last year when I went through UNC/ECU/Raleigh which allowed me to pretty much make Chapel Hill a weekend home for several months at a time. It was fun even though people are probably going to be getting too busy for me to be doing that as much with their course work picking up in difficulty. The only bad part of doing so much the past year is that I don't really know what I want to do over the next year outside of focusing on school and probably getting a job that I don't feel as complacent about which is something that I probably need to work at. I always get like that at the 1 year point but I don't know of too many places that are hiring at the moment so I don't know when I will be able to change that. I do want to find a random job of some kind for the upcoming summer though, unless I decide to take summer classes.