Apr 20, 2009 00:50
i cant believe freshman year of college ends in three weeks.
i'm in shock and really sad about it.
i thought that i'd never be happier to go home but i can't imagine not being at cstate.
i actually get excited to wake up in the morning because it's always an adventure.
i never laugh as much as i do when i'm with these girls unless i'm homee and its just alsdkjaldkj
easter was good - it went by so faast but it was good to see josh and danielle and randomly rob&andrew.
a lot of family came over sunday and it was just really good.
this past week we went off campus a lot to eat and we made several walmart & price chopper runs
chel got pretty sick andwe tried to nurse her back to health - wednesday we went to ithaca to go shopping and we got her a headbandd and all of us ended up spending more than we planned to but it was very much worth it. chel went home thursday until saturdayy..
friday we had no classes which was phenomenal. sare and i went to load her car up which turned into her wanting ice cream which resulted in us driving 17 miles to an incredibly yummy ice cream place kinda like king kone. we sat in the grass and talked for an hour.
we came back and met up with danielle, katie and arianna and just loungedd around in the beautiful weather. i dont even know what we did aside from talking a ton. that night we got wine and drank in dee and kims room and some of katies friends came over who were hystericalll! my mom then called and i answered and she told me bobby marcus died. he's not technnically related because he could never marry my aunt due to his stupid wife who wouldnt formally divorce him but he was pretty much like family. his heart gave out in his sleep and he just died and my aunt found him. i feel so bad. i was in shock friday night because he was just around everyone a few days before at easter. my mom told me not to come home because the service was the next morning and they were gunna cremate him so i just stayed there. all the girls came in the lounge to check on me and it was just so nice to have them. im never around people when i hear news like that and they were sooo supportive and comforting.
yesterday we slept in and went to see 17 again in ithaca - i lovedd it =)
we showed kim around ithaca and cornell before hand and katie ordered us special starbs drinks.
when we came back we found chel who finally returned to schooool
we were all crazy bored that night and i ended up having a break down which was lovely.
my mom and i were talking for awhile and i just started crying about everything and chel, sare and i had a good talk and it was just nice to get a lot off ym chest. i think i can legit tell them anything and it'll be okay between us.
i slept in brinades room bc the futon was open and today we spent the whole day outside.
we drove to walmart and then just drove aroundd
sare, katie, caroline and i surprised chel at her championship game which was cutee
we were talking about areas around westchester and i mentioned sleephollow which make chel want to learn about sleep hollow and the headless horseman so she ended up getting her sisters car resulting in an adventure around cortland to find holloywood video and her dri ving for an hour just because she lovess to drive
we just watched the movie which was lame and i have a wicked bad headache and im going to sleep soonish
in short, i love life.
i couldn't be happier