you greedy bitch!

Apr 07, 2009 12:34

the past few weeks have beeen sooo goood!
the girls on this floor and i have just been so close, we've all finally found our niche and it sucks because none of us will be together next year. rooming for next year was a huge drama and i am so relieved that it is over. josh spent the weekend last weekend here and it was soo good! him and my friends get along so well =)  friday night we walked around campus and met up with people from whit for dinner then we all hung out here and drank in my room and played pong in michelle's room. our RA's were being dicks and standing outside of our room with like ten of us in there and asking arianna (our only sober one) if we had unsigned guests in and all this shit but we all just hid and quieted down until they went back to sleep. josh, me, sarah and katie hung in sares room and drank and listened to music until everyone came back. we were all ust in a good place that night. josh and i slept in until oneish then went to go to AJs but it was closed =\ so we went to hairy tonys and got the BEST LUNCH EVERR and then drove around the surrounding hamlets for a long time; it was sooo pretty. i love rolling farmland. we went to walmart and price chopper and just ran errands. it was nice. he got a freaking parking ticket - so annoying but i paid it. saturday we lounged around with everyone and eventually got the room to ourselves after everyone came back from the bars which was nice=) we slept in late and got breakfast at neubig then went to walmart then it was time for him to go =\  i spent the rest of the day in sares room, not accompolishing anything but napping and eating with the girls.

last week was busy and stressful with work but i got everything done. i got an 87 on my anthro midterm! i think I'll be able to pull an A in that class which is fucking sweet. I actually think after i drop stats tomorrow it's possible i'll have all A's in my classes, which would be crazyy sick. on thursday night katie, sare, chel, kate and i went to see the midnight showing of the fast and furious movie in ithaca. it was alright - we had some disapointments but whatever. on our way home we jammed out and chel dedicated crazy bitch to me haha. we pulled into the 281 lot at like 240ish and the last bus for the night to bring us to campus was waiting for us when katie realized she left her coach wristlet back in ithaca in the movie theater and she trid to make us take the bus but we alll went back with her. the movei theater was locked but the mall was open so kate sare chel and i are making as much noise as possible to try to get a security guards attention and after like ten minutes it finally workedd. we got her wristlest and got back to cortland around 340 and it was too late to sleep because we were all wide awake so we made food in the lounge and had a big heart to heart for like an hour and eventually - i think 515ish - chel and i went to bed and left sare to study. she was planning on pulling an all nighter but ended up going to bed for like two hours haha. i woke up to chel needing advil for ehr cramps so i mae sure sare got up and went back to bed. skipped stats becuase it doenst even matter anymoreee=)  an hour later chel calls me close to tears because she couldn't move and needed me to go downstairs and wait for her sisters roommate to bring meds. i was half asleep and went outside i the rain in my boxors, tee shirt and flips before i relaized what the fuck i was doing. i brought it to her and found her curled up on the floor next to the garbage. i made her take hte meds and i went back to sleep. wke up to hear about thbe bing shooting and had class where i took a quiz i had no idea about - got a 94 tho =D

the weekend we lounged around and watched movies and made bracelets. had a fucking 5am fire alarm go off and we go outside and its snowingg - like what the fuck? almost an hour later we come back in here and now we're all awake and just talking until we finally decide to sleep. i slept sooooo late into saturday. katie got me up for breakfast and after i slept on and off the rest of the day. sarah came back saturday night and we got DP Dough and made bracelets and just hung in her room all night. sunday we went to Ajs and brought chel tehre for the first time and we made bracelets after that until like 7 haha. we were such useless pieces of shits all weekendd it was great.

now i have a meeting with my composition professor to see my progress on my second major essay as well as my research project - if i do wel on both of these i'll automatically get an A in the class. arianna has mono and caroline thinks she has the flu and now im banned from sleeing in chels bed at night because kasy hates me but im gunna get her bacckk =D
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