that unspoken feeling

Jan 27, 2009 11:56

I am so tired and so lazy already and it's a week into school. I need to start going to bed earlier because I can barely concentrate in my morning classes because I just zone out and day dream. This past weekend was quite interesting. I'm definitely a dumbass when given too much to drink so I need to chill with that for awhile or I'm gunna get myself into stupid trouble. Friday night we ended up staying in and just hanging out, watching movies and eating and I talked to Josh for like an hour while my building had a fire drill and then Chel came in here and hung out until reallllly late and ended up falling asleep in here. Saturday I slept and lounged around and met Chel's friend Mike who's adorable and just relaxed and did some work until it was time to get ready to go out. I drank wayy too much that night and ended up throwing up and just being a horrible drunk and I know owe Cir 6 dollars and whatever he wants for taking care of me the whole night. Talk about embarassing. Sunday I had the worst hangover I have ever experienced and slept on and off until Josh called me asking about what happened the night before because I called him and he was telling me all the stupid shit I told him. Oyeee. I did a shitload of homework that night and just hung out and talked to Caroline a lot until Chel came in and we all had a good talk on my bed until we all fell asleep haha.

Classes this week have been fairly good - I'm finally picking up my Spanish skills again and I have my first stats exam tomorrow which is gunna rape me - we haven't even learned anything in class, it's all reading and I'm really nervous about it. I have two more classes this afternoon back to back that I really don't want to go to because they're so damn long. I've been going to the gym and eatting better and I've lost some weight which feels wonderful. I want to look really cute come spring time when it's time to go bathing suit shopping and all that fun stuff. I miss feeling little and not worrying about how I look.

Josh and I have been really good. We talk a lot and I am so pleased with the way things have turned out. The things he says to me are just so cute - like last night we were talking about us and he was like "in a way, I kind of got you for my birthday" because we talked about us and had our first kiss on his birthday, and he felt like he got a good present and it was just adorable. I could go on and on about all these things because I am so damn happy. All my friends make fun of me here because I get all happy and shit when we're texting or if I'm talking about him or whatever. I was so worried that things would either get awkward with us if we started dating or it wouldn't feel "new" because we've known each other for a long time and we're so close but it's the opposite. I get happy and fluttery and I just don't see anything coming between us. I am officially going to Buffalo for Valentine's Day weekend and spending two nights there and I can NOT wait!!!!
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