I need a break

Aug 28, 2007 14:25

-I find the entire concept of jealousy intriguing.  Here I'm implying jealousy one may have of a friend, coworker, William Hung, your significant other's ex, your ex's current significant other, the guy that invented post-its, a family member, and so on.  I'm not stating that I have a particular issue that renders me envious, however I just find it interesting the way a lot of people claim not to be jealous of this or that person.  You're a filthy liar.  Everyone has times when they're jealous of something.  It's human nature.  Except.  Embrace.  Better yourself.  Stop being insecure.  Be more awesome...like me.

-I've decided to kick my own ass at work.  Yeah, the job I hate with a passion...I'm going to start taking classes and getting certified so I can attempt to become someone significant to the company that I hate.  This means I have to buy books, read said books, take online courses and then test out of them.  Gross.

-I realized yesterday that there are a lot of people worth keeping in my life.  I also realized that there are some that I just need to let go of.

-I need someone to discuss Rant with me.

-When I was in college I used to go to coffee shops with friends and discuss theories and philosophies.  I want to start doing that again.

-Megan got me a card that plays "Whoomp...There It Is" when you open it and I've played with it every hour, on the hour today.  Why don't people make music like that anymore?
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