Dec 01, 2004 02:51
i know i really really want to write an entry about how fun last weekend and everything was but like i have massive amounts of work to do before i come home next week (to do more work, come back to gtown for like a day, and then come home for good... but whatever)
alright, so im gonna be a fucking whiner and say goddamnit, the holidays are hard enough right now, im fighting for a christmas thats probably not gonna happen, and you are NOT fucking taking away my birthday. NO. thats not fair and i wont let you. let me have ONE FUCKING DAY to be happy? come ON fucking leave me alone and go away, no one wants you here, fuck you. fuck fuck fuck you. fuck you and what you were, fuck you and what you are now. its not as much who you are as it is what you did and when which is why this fuck you? yeah it goes out to you. asshole.
ugh. im so fucking irritated right now, soditjslrdktngsldkngfsdlkfnsdlkfmsd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :/
ps- i want to go home right now.