Okay, so I took an early walk (ahem, 9am to me is early on a day off) this morning along the boardwalk and I've come to the conclusion that the earlier I walk, the hotter the boys are. Surfer boys, military dudes jogging, the lifeguards, that hottie bike five-0...
It was a pretty good walk. I wish it'd been a little sunnier, as I'm close to changing my name from summersmile to pastyskinsmile, but at least it was relatively cool, around 70 degrees. The only thing that spoiled it for me was the contemporary Christian band blaring at the 30th St. pavilion. I mean, I guess they think the godless heathens need a dose of the church they're missing by hanging out at the beach on Sunday morning. But even that would've been okay had the group been anywhere near good and not... an assault on all of our eardrums. (I think I saw a stunned seagull fall, spiraling, out of the sky overhead.) I figure that maybe God was too busy doing his thing at the millions of churches across the world this morning than to lend them a hand (and some talent)... ;)
12 days until The Dark Knight comes out. Just wanted to remind y'all. :D Even though I'm spoiled to the teeth for this, I'm still all a-quiver with anticipation...
angellabout2sin asked to see our top ten current songs, since most of the celebrity playlists on iTunes are pretty lame. I'm only doing five right now, because I've got to head out to the store in a moment.
I am going to link to youtube videos where I can, because I don't have time to do a zipfile at this moment. If anyone wants a song, hit me up, I'll shoot it off. :D
'Alec Eiffel', the Pixies. I cannot stop listening to this song once I hear it. Like, ten or twelve times in a row is not enough. It has, quite possibly, the best ending to a song, EVER. Also, the Pixies rule just about everything, just sayin'.
'The Party's Over', Eliza Gilkyson. You might remember her name from my top 10 of 2007... well, she put out a new album recently that kicks just as much ass as the last one. I love the details she lets slip and it's fun to imagine what exactly happened at that party...
'Dance With Me', Old 97s. Their new cd is awesome, I bought it immediately after hearing this song on "Out of the Box" on the public radio station. Also, the video is super-hilarious (especially if you recognize the woman the geek is chasing... ;)).
'The Hand That Feeds', Nine Inch Nails. I don't know why this has swung back in to my mix, but dammit, it's awesome to drive to, and I suppose that's enough. :)
'Reckoner', Radiohead. This one is pretty much just pure sonic bliss.
I hope everyone's having a great day!