Friday Roundup!

Jul 16, 2010 13:41

Here's the list for you of all the fabulous things people created during the week - just in case you missed a post, or want to go back and revisit your favorites from earlier.

So, please, revisit, recall, and relove!

+ The Plural of Memento Mori (Giles and Ensemble, PG13) by brutti_ma_buoni
+ Confirmation (G/Buffy, FRAO) by froxyn

+ A Banner (G/Jenny) by coffee_in_bed_1
+ Invigilamini Wallpaper (G/Buffy) by northern_magic

+ Let's Play Video (G/Buffy) by rippertish

+ My Immortal - A Giles/Jenny Fanmix by coffee_in_bed_1

Happy reading!

~e!, Kate, and Shannon

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