Fic: Confirmation

Jul 16, 2010 06:10

Title: Confirmation
Author: Froxyn
Rating: FRAO
Pairing: Buffy/Giles
Timeline: S6, Tabula Rasa.
Synopsis: Buffy and Giles deal with the aftermath of Willow’s spell gone wrong.
Author’s Note: This was written as for my second entry for summer_of_giles 2010. Thanks to wyvernwolf for the beta.

Confirmation )

rating: nc17/frao, z_creator: froxyn, fic type: het, fic type: stand alone, giles/buffy

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Comments 17

anything_can_be July 15 2010, 22:01:42 UTC


froxyn July 16 2010, 21:25:05 UTC
Thank you so much! :)


sinistercircus July 15 2010, 23:22:44 UTC
Wonderful work! Loved the build up and the climax was beautiful! Your dialogue is ace, and you really allowed us to feel the angst, the uncertainty, the guilt and finally, the love. You allowed us to feel it instead of just read it.

Thanks so much for sharing this, lovely! ♥♥!


froxyn July 16 2010, 21:29:18 UTC
You have no idea how happy I am to hear that it came through the way I intended.

Because...when I read something, I want to feel it...and that's what I try to do when I write. I want to make the reader feel something. And if I can make them feel anything, I'm happy.

Thank you! Thank you, thank you! ♥♥


meaghann July 15 2010, 23:33:36 UTC
Nicely done, I really enjoyed this story :)


froxyn July 16 2010, 21:35:14 UTC
Thank you very much! :)


laurtew July 16 2010, 04:39:22 UTC
:::Sighs in contentment:: You have completely made my week. Perfect, as usual. I love the dialog, I love the set up and delivery, I love the sex, and i love the love. Sweetheart, you write the best stuff. Thank you for this. And now I need to find a Watcher with. :)


froxyn July 16 2010, 21:37:27 UTC
Aw, thanks sweetie!

It was originally going to have a lot more angst, but...when I started writing it, it didn't feel like Buffy to me. So...this is what happened instead. And I'm kinda okay with that. *LOL*

Thank you for everything! :D


harmony033 July 16 2010, 08:04:47 UTC
Please excuse me while I take a freezing cold shower.


Your writing is *always* spot on and excellent, but I can't think of another fic you've written that is hotter than this. The raw emotions displayed by both Buffy and Giles is so real and captivating, that it makes the passion and hot hot hot sex so much more meaningful and exciting.

Wonderful fic, excellent writing. Thank you for sharing! :D

If I hadn't waited a minute until after I read this to comment all you would've received as a comment would've been: Gah! :P


froxyn July 16 2010, 21:40:58 UTC
Wow...thank you!

You know, I was worried that the sex was going to feel rushed, but...I wanted it to be more about needing than wanting. It needed to be hurried instead of tender love-making.

I'm just glad that it came across as well as it seems to have. :D

*LMAO* I would've taken "Gah!" but, must admit that I'm glad you waited a minute. *snort*

Thanks again!!


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