(no subject)

Feb 10, 2006 18:13

I'm blogging because I'm at work, and I really don't want to work, but I gambled away ALL of my neopoints, so I can't even spend hours watching the little pictures on the slots whir by. I have so much paperwork to catch up on that I really don't want to even look at it. I swear once I do get caught up, I'm gonna just do it as it comes, because I can't stand this anxiety. Of course I think the real reason I hate the paperwork aspect of my job is because I do everything on the computer first.. and then do an actual HAND-WRITTEN back-up. Which is completely redundant and archaic. However, I'm not the boss, so I just have to grin and bear it :)

I took the day off yesterday (thursday) because I got up too late to go in for a full day, so I figured I would just torture myself and work today. However, I still got a late start today, and now I'm whiney about being here.. and I think I'm going to pack up early and bring some work home with me. It's supposed to snow this weekend, so I canceled a date I had, because it would have involved me driving up to mass... and as y'all know, me & the snow do not mix.

My gram is in the hospital down in florida, so I'm a bit on edge about that. From what we can tell, she's having problems with clots in her leg. She had some sort of stint put in last year for the same problem, but she took herself off the coumadin (blood thinner) and so she's having problems again. She went in for surgery this morning, my mother spoke to her a couple hours ago, and apparently, there has been some miscommunication, because they were just going to do the same thing she already had done. Now they wanna send her home, and she's not exactly happy about that, since really, they have done nothing to resolve the current problem. Of course, it is difficult to know what is really going on, because my gram is getting up there in years and doesnt really understand everything the drs are saying to her, and then when she talks to my mother stuff gets lost in translation. I wish she would just stay in CT year round, so when things like this happen, my mother can be there to help deal with the stuff. My mom is a licensed nurse, so that helps when we are dealing with medical issues and such.

so, yesterday, with my day off, i went shopping. My mom gave me a $50 gift card to Avenue for christmas ... and I figured I would be able to find something there... and I did... I bought 2 pairs of shoes, a necklace, and a shirt. Problem is, everything I found that I liked was on sale, so I still have $22 left on the card... and I was hoping to just make one trip. I don't really like shopping there, because all their shirts are too short... and their pants don't fit. So basically it's shoes and pijamas (which i usually wear as shirts, lol) I was really happy about the necklace i got... It's a hart kinda on it's side... and it has little sparkly "diamonds" heh. With my birthday money I had bought some new earings and a new ring, and then last weeken i bought a matching tennis bracelet... so I'm all "blinged" out, buahaha, I hate saying that word. Now what I really really need (ok, not need, but WANT [BADLY]) is a new purse... I really want a new coach bag, or prada... but I can't bring myself to spend the money. Especially since I've worked very hard to get myself to a point where I'm not living paycheck to paycheck... and my bills are not overwhelming. If only I could find a VALENTINE who wanted to spoil me like the brat that I am!

Are you there GOD? It's me... Summer... please send me a valentine who wants to buy my love, lol... buahahah... just kididng- sorta ;)

to recap- i hate paperwork, snow sucks, gram in hospital, valentines day is coming and i want presents (of course it would help if i actually had a valentine)

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