Nov 07, 2004 05:33
i don't know why this just struck me, but i felt the need to say it.
i hate that george w. bush is our president again. i really do.
but if you voted for him, i don't hate you.
there is more to people than their political party.
...i just don't understand you. that's all. if you voted for him, i mean.
we don't need to go into it. we don't need to discuss our political beliefs and/or affiliations.
yes, i think kerry would've done a fantastic job as president.
no, i don't want hillary to get nominated in 4 years.
yes, i believe there will be a draft if there is need for a war while we are still in iraq.
no, i will never, ever register for one, and if forced to, i will find a way to get out of going to war. i'm sorry. call me unpatriotic. it's the fucking truth. i could never kill another human being.
i don't know. politics have suddenly just started boring the hell out of me and i'm sick of talking about them.
that's it.
bed for real this time.