Here's some requests that I've failed to fill out a few months ago. Sorry to those who were waiting with bated breath!
Title: Travelling
Word Count: 129
Character (s) &/ Pairing (s): Sora, Simba
Prompt: Gummi ship
Requested by:
undeniiablexx Simba came to a trot when he realized that Sora had fallen behind. He turned around and saw his suspicions come true.
“What’s the matter?” He called out.
Sora, however, couldn’t help but think of where the Gummi Ship was- to him, every tree seemed to look the same in an odd way and the sun . . . and the heat . . . Sora wasn’t ready for this. This and the fact that potions needed to be opened with opposable thumbs.
“Just . . . tired, we did a lot today, didn’t we?”
He laughed as Sora finally caught up. Simba took Sora by the scruff of his neck and threw him onto his back. “Running is the only way we’re going to get anywhere around here,”
Title: Her
Word Count: 152
Character (s) &/ Pairing (s): Sora/Namine
Prompt: Cookie
Requested by:
ceylmallyn The island was just as he remembered it- breezy, care-free and there were even remnants of the raft from after the invasion. Sora wondered through the scraps, no one had touched it since that day . . . He smiled, would this little raft even make it to the main islands?
Kairi ran up to Sora, a white towel around her shoulders. She held out a colourful bag. He stared at her and wondered why he saw Namine for the briefest moment.
“Geez, you’re spacing out,” she giggled, taking Sora’s hand and placing the small bag on his palm. “I saw your mom on the way here, she wanted me to give you these cookies, you’re not eating enough, apparently,”
“Oh yeah,” Sora replied. He waited for a minute and glanced at Kairi again. “Na-!”
He paused and she stared at him strangely.
“What?” she asked, looking worried.
“I miss her,”
Title: Sleep
Word Count: 187
Character (s)&/ Pairing (s): Riku/ Namine & Sora
Requested by:
vulgar_vogue “He was lazy,”
She ran her fingers against the pod, they looked soft. But the contraption was made of something hard, something Namine did not recognize (not that she would know what was outside the Castle).
“He liked to sleep- I suppose for the dreams,”
“Riku,” she said. Riku hated how sad, how tragic her voice sounded. “He’ll have to sleep . . . to remember everything he’s been through in the last year,”
He glanced up at Sora, smiling softly. “He’s lucky, he’s floating there, in those . . .” he tapped the pod. “ . . . petals.”
“You have a choice, too”
He glanced at her. “I want to keep him safe. . . But what are you going to do?”
“I have to stay here,” she folded her hands in front of her dress. “I have to put the links in the proper order,”
Riku closed his eyes. “I won’t have to sleep in the petals, will I?”
She giggles ever so slightly. He smiled. “I think they look more like feathers . . . But no, your choice is far more difficult,”
Title: Newly Found
Word Count: 198
Character (s) &/ Pairing (s): Kairi, Olette
Prompt: Milkshakes
Requested by:
the_hedgehog69 “Want an ice cream?” Olette asked, handing Kairi a sea- salt ice cream bar.
She stared at its strange shade of blue. “Okay,” Kairi took it from her new found friend and brought it to her mouth.
Since Kairi had arrived in Twilight Town with Pluto, she received an honest and sincere welcoming from Hayner, Pence and Olette but they seemed unable to say very much. Kairi didn’t mind . . . in the back of her mind, she thought of Axel finding her . . .
“So. . . Kairi, you’re not from around here, are you?” Olette asked, taking a small bite from her ice cream bar.
She shook her head. “No,” She lowered her ice cream. “Twilight comes twice a day, where I come from. And there’s an ocean, there’s always water, everywhere,”
“Is there ice cream?” Pence asked, sensing the tension from across the room.
Kairi smiled. “No, but there’s milkshakes,”
“Milkshakes?” Olette repeated, cocking her head to the side. “I don’t think I know that one,”
The Usual Spot went quiet (a train passed over head, breaking the silence for a moment). Kairi blinked but Olette stood up.
“How about you show us?”
Title: Eternity
Word Count: 140
Character (s) &/ Pairing (s): Ansem & Riku
Prompt: Eternity
Requested by:
lorei “Only darkness will provide you with what you need!”
Riku fell to the floor- it was blinding the stark white walls- Ansem was stronger than before. He looked up and saw Ansem approaching him, slowly, each step taken firmly.
“ . . . Forever,”
“No!” Riku shouted, Ansem stood over him, sneering.
“It will overcome you . . . and you’ll be worthy of being my servant once again, Riku,”
“No, I won’t!”
“Why do you resist?”
“I’ll never be your puppet again!”
“We’ll see about that,” he replied, folding his arms against his chest. “Be prepared for an eternity of endless inner turmoil . . . Riku,”
He disappeared in the cloud and smoke of darkness- leaving Riku temporarily relieved but wary. He sat up and placed a hand on his chest and wondered the depths of his darkness.