null_matrix: this one's for you.

Aug 20, 2006 05:02

Video of a guiter player on what was once Mozart's Canon in D.

Some good stuff.

I just about lost it on the phones today. first time in over 6 years of sales that I let the stress get to me. I'm thinkin maybe it's time to go find a nice, comfy survey job where I can just fall asleep making people answer questions. That'd be nice. Or a customer service job where _I_ get to be the asshole. Ahh, but to dream.

School starts a week from tomorrow, and I'm shaky now on what I wanna study. so many pros and cons that I just...can't choose. do I chase money and turn my dreams into hobbies? or chase my dreams and pray for money? *lesigh*

Anytime I try to climb a hill in the car, smoke starts billowing out the tailpipe. Fuck. there's no way that's anything but a sign.

I saw a guy at a gas station being given a sobriety test. He failed. I laughed. It's the little things that make life worth living. And it's so when the cop gives me the hairy eyeball that I can give him one back, cause I'm not doing a damned thing wrong.

I think men with deep voices are descendants of demons, or maybe monkeys, while men with high voices are descended from Adam. or Angels. same thing. I guess in the end Adam, monkeys, angels, and demons are all one in the same. funny thought, isn't it?

Gas prices will not be going down. After all, have they ever? mmm...$3/gallon to leave the house, and only $600 for a new notebook computer. Gee, why would there be a weight problem in this country?

As someone who has spoken directly to the mass consumer, I'll say this: people are so stupid that they don't understand the things they spend money on. And yet, they don't want to change. So let me get this straight: you're going to continue wandering down a pitch-black, 400 year-old mining tunnel, rather than turning around and following the sweet aroma of fresh air?? Please, if you are one of these people: take these words to heart: "Suck Shit." I want you to think about those words for a long time. I know you're too stupid to process them, but try anyway.

I discovered that I'm not bothered by other people dying because of the loss of a human life. I mean, what's the difference? Humans are built to die. No point getting bothered over it. No, I'm bothered by death because of the smell and the loss of poise. Those are worth mourning. No one looks more pathetic than when he dies.

Apparently potential employers have grown a brain cell and started looking up new recruits' blogs/lj's. I suppose that means I'll need to delete this thing in a year or two. but who'll miss it? If I'm lucky I'll be looking toward Italy by then anyway. Course, I'll need to start saving money now to make sure I can afford the plane ticket when the new American Depression hits. Aren't Republicans great?

Hey Jason: you wanna rant? Rant about the fact that the Presidency has turned into an imperial line, and a dictatorship at that. Should make for a good 5 pages.

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