You are 55% messed up.
You are messed up. You may not show how messed up you are all the time - but you have been known to get crazier than Mariah Carey on occasion.
'How messed up are you?' at So I've been working and sleeping and working and working, and playing video games, and working some more. And now school's gonna start in 2 weeks.
Apparently there's a guy at SIU who's managed to put a terrabyte of hard disk space onto a disk roughly the size of a 50-cent piece. yeah, you read that right. a fucking terrabyte. Goodbye, laptops, hellllo PDA's.
speaking of which, check
THIS out. Throw a projection monitor on the back of your cellphone, this little gizmo on the front, and a terrabyte of hard drive space, and guess what? your laptop just shrunk down to the size of a deck of cards, or at least it is when it's off. when it's on it'll be bigger than the one you have (or wish you have) now. The next 5 years are gonna be fuckin' great.
wanna see somethin funny?
that's right, it's a phone. for your phone. in case your phone is roughly the size of a brick, now you can buy this little gadget to keep the size of it down! Actually, I think it's pretty cool. You can keep your PDA in your pocket, but put a phone roughly the size of an inkpen in your shirt pocket. That is, of course, if you're not so self-important that you're wearing your bluetooth headset all the time.
Guess that's mostly it. I have waaaaaay too many thing on my plate right now to really talk about them all, and unfortunately, there's only 24 hours in the day. I'd do well with about 36.
I gotta say, I don't miss carbondale much. There's one or two people I'd do well to see again, but for the most part I'm glad to finally be rid of the belief that other people are good for my future.
God but it's good to be an asshole again.