Just today i ran into two guys in their late 20's early 30's in a white truck. In a Lowes parking lot. They waved me down. I thought maybe they needed a jump or something. But apparently they were selling speakers. I wasn't interested but to be nice I took a look. They came off saying "We just finished a job installing speakers and we ordered 4 but it came back with 7. So we have extra speakers and if we try to take them back to work our boss will keep them. He has in the past. So we're trying to sell them for real cheap to anyone we can come across before we go back to vegas where we work." They showed me a real nice catalog and it showed them marked at $1,459.00 each. I dont know much about speakers but they looked REAL nice and they seemed to be pricey. He wanted to know how much i might have to just grab from a ATM and buy some real cheap. I said all I got is $250.00 and he smiled and asked if i can pull a bit more or trade him some stuff i might have. I didnt want them, but it sounded so legit. So I gave up $300 for the speakers. Then came online just now to research them more. Found nothing on them except a tun of webpages warning about this scam. Apparently this has been going on all around the country. With the same story. And their apparently not worth that much money. SO DONT GET THEM! I'll try them today and see how they sound. But from what I heard if you paid more then $200 you got ripped off.
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