Mblaq Drabbles

Jan 17, 2010 20:56

Title: Patience, Nightmares, Boys on Top & Three
Author: Sum3r
Rating: PG - NC-17
Pairings: Seungho/Mir, Joon/Cheondong, Seungho/Joon & Joon/Seungho/Mir
Disclaimer: Plot is mine. Characters aren't.
Summary: Four random drabbles about Mblaq, one with Mir and Seungho's troubles, two about Cheondong's nightmares, three about Seungho and Joon's relationship and four being a highschool!au.

[A/N]: Hi. My name is Sum3r. Let me show you my Mblaq bias.

Seungho/Mir; Patience

Seungho sighed, rubbing his temples as he stared at the mess in front of him. He took a deep breath, licking his lips as he prayed for patience.

“MIR!” He yelled, voice echoing throughout the apartment. The black noodles slipped from Mir’s mouth as he sat frozen in front of the T.V., hand still as he clutched his chopsticks. Cheondong edged away from Mir slowly, as G.O. followed suit, smirks breaking out from underneath their serious faces.

“Tsk. Tsk. I told you Seungho really wanted our room clean,” G.O. said, voice laced with amusement as he grinned at the youngest.

“Wait, wait, wait! Hyung!” whined, Mir, face devastated as he hurriedly put down his noodles on the table in front of him and ran into the room.

Cheondong and G.O. covered their laughs with their hands as Seungho’s and Mir’s shouts were heard all over the apartment, as Mir struggled to take back his clothes from Seungho, who was ready to throw them in a black garbage bag.

“Hyung! Hyung!” Mir cried, “wait, don’t-hyung!”

Joon/Cheondong; Nightmares

Joon holds him tight against his body; he pushes Cheondong flush against his chest and wraps his legs around his until they’re too tangled up to know who is who. He feels Cheondong’s heart beating against his hand, a distinct thump. thump. thump. that Joon knows by his own heart. He waits until his beats are synced with Cheondong’s, wait until the rise of their chests match, waits until their breaths even out.

“I’ll be here,” Joon whispers in Cheondong’s ear, the younger boy shivering as he feels Joon’s hot breath, his voice, wash over him.

It should be suffocating, Cheondong thinks, having someone too close, too near, but it’s not. He closes his eyes, and waits for the nightmares to come, knowing, waiting, for Joon’s voice to wake him up, for Joon’s hand to sneak itself under his shirt, for Joon’s lips to settle sweet, short kisses on his face. He waits, because he knows it will be Joon who’ll be the first thing he sees. And when he does wake up, when he blinks as the sun’s rays sneak through from the curtains and shine on his face, he knows the first thing he’ll do is brush his lips against Joon’s . He’ll wait until Joon’s eyes blink open and he’ll smile, whispering a tentative good morning, in between their breaths.

Seungho/Joon; Boys on Top

“F-Fuck,” Seungho says loudly, stuttering as he curses out loud. Joon smirks from underneath him; hands latched permanently onto Seungho’s hips as he grins up, his smile barely evading the devious mischief in his eyes.

“Now, now, leadershii-I don’t think it’s polite to curse…very unbecoming, don’t you think?” Seungho tries to say something, opens his mouth to yell or curse or something-but then Joon moves and Seungho whines instead, a low, desperate whine that leaves him shaken. He bows down; hands flat on Joon’s chest as he feels Joon’s chest muscles rise up and down and simply tries to breathe.

Unfortunately for him, being stuffed up with cock doesn’t leave much room for breathing.

“I-” Seungho tries to say, licking his lips as Joon tracks every move, eyes darkening as his hands tighten on Seungho’s hips. “On top-meant-younger…” It comes out in bits and pieces but Joon gets the message and he smiles lazily in response. His eyes fall on Seungho’s mouth, eyes lighting up with satisfaction as he sees Seungho’s swollen lips (by his lips, Joon thinks) and his neck (bitten and marked with his mouth, Joon thinks) and he waits until Seungho realizes that even though he’s on top, he’s not technically on top.

But then again, Joon thinks, as he watches Seungho struggle ever so slightly to gain balance on top of him, it’s not his fault that he doesn’t know anything about love, or sex-especially with another guy. And then Seungho makes another noise, a low, hungry keen and really, Joon thinks, there’s patience and then there’s dying of blue balls.

“I’m sorry,” Joon says out loud, and Seungho jerks his head up in response, confusion etched on his face as he watches the younger boy. “Sorry for…?”

But Joon simply grins in response and in less than a second, he pushes himself up, pulling out of Seungho’s body and slamming him down as Seungho looks up, dazed and unsure.

“For this,” Joon says, his voice an octave lower as he yanks Seungho’s body closer to him and in one swift thrust, he sinks himself into Seungho.

Seungho screams, his head thrown back as he clutches the sheet underneath him and pulls it apart, tears sliding down from the corners of his eyes. Joon winces, knowing it probably hurts like a bitch, and yeah it’s probably his fault because he’s not small-but when Seungho looks up at him, when he looks up and nods slightly, all Joon thinks, all he can think is-Fuck, what did I ever do to deserve you?

He goes slowly at first; Joon slides his cock at a very slow pace, feeling Seungo’s body drag and pull him in, full of lube and salvia and he’s so ridiculously tight that Joon just somehow wants to stay inside him forever.

But then Seungho gasps, an involuntary, compulsive sound that’s edged with frustration and need and Joon takes it for what it is.

He buries his head in Seungho’s neck, teeth wet as he bites and licks and soothes. He begins to thrust in faster, fucks into Seungho without rhythm or reason, the snap snap snap of their wet bodies echoing around the room.

“Ah, ah, ah,” Seungho pants, hands raking themselves down Joon’s shoulders with every push, every jerk of Joon’s cock inside him, savoring each and every second they have together. He tries to wrap his legs around Joon’s waist, but his legs give out instead and he can feel Joon’s smile in his neck.

“Seungho,” Joon whispers and Seungho shivers at the raw benediction in Joon’s voice as he says his name. He tries to muffle his sounds, but Joons holds down his hands as though he owns them and Seungho bites his lips instead, red and swollen, until it splits and he can taste the coppery flavor in his mouth.

Without finesse, or grace, without control, Joon begins to jack Seungho’s cock as he thrusts in faster, each push rocking Seungho’s quivering body.

“I’m-” Seungho comes before he even finishes up the words; he explodes all over Joon’s hands and their chests, ropes and ropes of come, as he muffles his scream by biting Joon’s neck. Joon shudders with the next thrust, mindlessly pushing in, one two three, until he comes, whitening out for a second as his body trembles uncontrollably. He leans down, sliding his tongue inside Seungho’s mouth and finishes up with a deep, dirty kiss. He pulls back as salvia slides down Seungho’s mouth and his glazed eyes seek Joon’s.

Joon grins, an easy smile, and Seungho knows, he knows, that this-whatever this was-was far from being over.

He breathes.

Joon/Seungho/Mir with student president!Seungho, delinquent!Joon and nerd!Mir; Three

It was an accident at first.

It was Mir’s first day and it was in the afternoon-classes had been over for at least an hour-and he couldn’t find his student I.D. He searched everywhere, in the library, in his homeroom, in his last class but he just couldn’t find it.

It was just like him to lose his I.D on his first day of class. He sighed, and pushing his glasses further on his nose, Mir looked around, unsure what corridor he ended up in. Glancing around and noticing that half of the classes were already closed, Mir was about to turn around when he heard the scraping of a chair against the floor.

Turning around swiftly, Mir followed the noise to the last room on the corridor, and pushing open the door, Mir looked in.

And he froze.

An older boy was sitting on a chair, his honey-colored head tipped back with shirt open, buttons undone and his tie loosened around his neck. Joon (because Joon was his name, Mir knew, after asking his friends, Joon Joon Joon) slowly tipped his head down and glanced straight into Mir’s eyes.

But Mir wasn’t staring at Joon, he was staring at the boy on his knees in front of Joon, the boy whose lips were wrapped around Joon’s dick. Seungho (because Seungho was his name, Mir knew, because he remembered seeing him in the morning addressing the new students in the auditorium) was making loud slurping noises as he hollowed in his cheeks and sucked, Joon’s fingers digging into his hair, pulling him closer to his cock.

Mir stared, blushing as his heartbeat grew louder and louder. I should get out, he thought, but his feet wouldn’t move and he couldn’t lift his eyes away. It wasn’t until Joon smirked and winked at him, that Mir jerked back and turning around, he ran.

He ran out of the room, out of the school and it wasn’t until he was half way home that he finally stopped running.

“How was your first day of school honey?” his mother asked him kindly as he took off his shoes. Mir looked down, unable to look at his mother and struggled not to blush, to think, to remember.

“Fine,” he mumbled, before he ran up into his room and buried his burning face into his bed.

(Joon approached him the next day, and with a smirk and smiling eyes, he asked him not to say a word about what happened. Mir could only nod, eyes glued on the disarming smile and knew, quite clearly, how the student body president was unable to say no to someone like Joon.)

It surprised Mir when people told him that Joon and Seungho hated each other.

“Seungho? Yeah, he’s a bit reserved, but he’s one of the kindest people you’ll ever meet-him and Joon? No, they hate each other.”

“-And he always yells at Joon to stop smoking or skipping classes or-”

“Cats and dogs really, the way they go after each other. Joon always gets caught with Seungho around, after all, our president-”

Mir shook his head. He knew what he saw and it wasn’t hate, it wasn’t hate at all.

The next time he sees them, it’s a complete coincidence.

He’s sitting on the window ledge with a few of his friends, laughing and fooling around when Joon and his friends (blond and brown-haired and a complete disregard for school regulations) come out of the classroom across him. Mir glances at him but looks away quickly, only to stop and stare as Seungho and his friends (the vice-president and secretary, Mir knows) walk up the hallway.

Mir tries to look away but he can’t. It floors him that people can’t see the chemistry these two have, that even though they don’t even acknowledge each other, there’s this tension between them that increases as they walk past each other. He also knows that the mark slightly visible on Seungho’s neck was made by one and only one person.

When the test scores for his latest exam are posted up, Mir doesn’t even have to glance up to see that his name will be first. Out of curiosity, however, he follows the senior crowd next to him, and isn’t really that surprised to see Seungho’s name as the first student.

“-Seoul University? Really? He’s so smart! I heard-”

Cutting across the rest of the seniors, Mir was about to leave when he overhears another conversation.

“-Can’t believe he was second-I mean he doesn’t even attend class, how could he have gotten such a high score?”

Mir closes his eyes. Opening them slowly, he walks over to the junior crowd and stares at the name clearly printed next to the number two student.

Lee Joon.

At the next school assembly, Mir watches the student body president. Seungho, if not smart and tall, is really good looking, Mir thinks. But along with this, Mir also thinks, I wonder if he goes down on his knees willingly, or if Joon has to ask him every time? Or I wonder if they’ve had sex yet. They probably have-if Joon had anything to say about it. I bet he’d be on top-I wonder, Mr. Student body president, how often you spread your legs for him.

Mir makes a decision there, as he watches Seungho, surrounded by his entire school. He’s never really asked, or wanted something in his life, but in his first year of high school, in his first month, Mir decides that he wants something, and he’s going to get it.

The third time it happens, Joon and Seungho wait for him.

Mir takes a deep breath and before he can think about it twice, he opens the door and steps forward.

Joon grins at him, one hand underneath Seungho’s shirt, the other yanking on Seungho’s chin as he pulls in the other boy close with a hungry, wet kiss. Mir watches unabashed, eyes darkening as he walks one step closer. When Joon finally lets go, Seungho stares into Joon’s eyes and Mir, knowing full well that he was out of a private conversation makes his final, most important decision.

He wants in.

Seungho nods to Joon, absolute trust in his eyes, and Joon beckons Mir with his finger and a smirk. As Mir closes the distance between them, he knows that when Seungho goes to Seoul University this year, a year later Joon will make it in and Mir will follow with ease.

Because sometimes there are accidents and sometimes there is fate.
[A/N]: I'm new to this fandom and I'm just playing around but I hope you guys enjoy this :D! Comments/criticisms welcomed ^^

p: seungho/mir, p: joon/cheondong, fanfiction: mblaq, p: joon/seungho/mir, fic: oneshot, p: joon/seungho

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