If I Could Be (I Would Be Yours) [3/3]

Sep 21, 2009 18:15

Title: If I Could Be (I Would Be Yours) [3/3]
Author: Sum3r
Pairing: Yunho/Changmin
Rating: G - NC-17
Disclaimer: Plot is mine. Characters aren't. All terms/references from dictionary.law.com
Summary: Yunho is one of Seoul's top lawyers ever since he graduated from law school. Now, four years later, he's about to take on a case with an opposing lawyer who's quickly rising on top and making him question what and who he's fighting for.
Inspired by:
kurogoma who gave me this idea of a lawyer!fic with opposing sides and it just got me hooked. It's completely her fault.
Beta'd by: the amazing
sly_pantera(thank you!)
Previous: [Part 1] [Part 2]

[A/N]: Because this would be the last part ♥

Yunho wanted to say something, but he didn’t know what or how he should say it. It was strange, this thing between them, and he didn’t know what to do. Changmin waited for a fraction of a second longer and then walked out, this time leaving Yunho behind.


[That Night]

Changmin swirled the drink in his glass, shoulders slumped as he leaned forward on the counter.

“Rob Roy, on the rocks.”

Changmin started, whirling his head around, and he dropped his glass, only for Yunho to reach forward and grab it, his arm brushing the younger man’s chest. Changmin was sure he felt the temperature spike.

“What…” Changmin said dryly, words caught in his throat, and he licked his lips, Yunho’s gaze zeroing in on the movement. “What are you doing here? I thought-disorderly conduct and all that…”

Yunho didn’t say anything for a few moments, smiling at the waiter as his drink was pushed forward. Just as Changmin opened his mouth, he spoke. “Only the closing statements left, not much left of the case, right?”

Changmin closed his mouth. I should have walked away as soon as he approached me, or say something spiteful about the case but…The younger man was feeling a bit loose-limbed from the drinks he had, and although he was far from being drunk, he just didn’t have it in him for another fight or argument.

“Sucks, you know,” Changmin said with a soft smile, wiping the condensation that slipped down his glass with his thumb. “When you’re not sure if you should be happy that your asshole client’s in jail, or angry that you just lost your case.”

Yunho snorted, sipping his drink, “At least you know you did something right, now that he’s behind bars.”

Changmin turned around and faced him. Yunho froze, hand tightening around his glass, as the younger man shook his head and looked down, eyes downcast and mouth curved in a joyless smile.

“But either way we both lost, don’t you think so? The child has to grow up with the fact that she threw her own father into jail, and yeah, it’s better than before, but the family’s still not going to be okay.”

He understands. Yunho tried to say something, but his tongue felt two sizes too big, and his heart began beating uncontrollably. He…gets it. He wouldn’t just nod if I told him the shit I’ve been through-he’d understand it.

“I wanted to be anthropologist.”

Changmin glanced up, his eyes still forlorn but now filled with interest.

Yunho smiled, and glanced at the bartender, nodding for more drinks. Jaejoong quickly replaced the empty glasses with new ones as Yunho continued, tilting his head and grinning. “I know, it’s a crazy dream right? And stupid…but I guess I had something to do with my childhood and digging up things…”


Ding Dong. Ding Dong.

Yunho glanced at his door, picking up his shirt from the floor and putting it on as he walked toward it, not expecting anyone at this hour. He turned the knob and pulled it open, eyes widening as he saw Changmin on his doorstep, not even hours after they had parted ways at the bar.

The younger man took a step forward, and Yunho opened the door wider, letting him into the threshold automatically, as though it was simply natural to do so. He said nothing as he waited for Changmin to begin speaking, but instead Changmin leaned forward and pressed their mouths together.

The kiss was tentative, a brush of lips against lips, and it was almost shy, leaving Yunho with a lingering desire for more. Changmin broke apart and breathed in, eyes wide and dark as they searched the older man’s, voice shaky and just on the side of desperate as he spoke.

“Tell me-” he said, cupping Yunho’s face as his lips moved a breath away, “tell me that I’m imagining things between-”

Yunho covered Changmin’s mouth with his hungrily and swallowed the rest of the sentence as he slammed him against the wall next to the door, closing it shut with a resolute bang.

The older man scrambled to get his hands underneath Changmin’s shirt, fingers itching to take in all that tanned, lean skin, and they tugged and tussled with each other. Yunho pulled at and pushed apart Changmin’s suit while the younger man lifted Yunho’s shirt, mouths coming back to each other like they were permanently attached.

“I don’t-Normally-” Changmin said between messy, wet kisses. Yunho made a low, angry sound at the back of his throat and drove his tongue in deep, making Changmin whine lowly.

He grabbed the older man by his hips and pushed him around, this time shoving him against the wall as the two stripped each other with an insistent, feverish desire that burned between them.

Yunho spread his legs, and Changmin slid between them, tight and snug up against Yunho’s thigh and cock, the budge of his jeans straining against the fabric. Hips pressed together, the two grinded against each other as Yunho grabbed a handful of Changmin’s hair and yanked, surging forward and sucking against the stretch of skin underneath the younger man’s neck.

Changmin yelped and before he knew it, Yunho drove him backwards until he hit the living room table, back bending over against the wood. The chair next to them fell backwards and hit the large picture frame, causing it to fall down with a loud crash.

“I’ll pay-” Changmin managed to get out before Yunho growled and shoved him further back. His hands reached for Changmin’s fly as the younger man quickly followed suit, wrenching open Yunho’s jeans and sliding a hand inside.

They both groaned, and it felt like some kind of drug. Yunho couldn’t get enough of it, couldn’t get enough of the picture of Changmin, desperate and needy and wanton under his hands. He was his to touch. It was impulsive, the feeling, impulsive and violent, and it burst from inside him and spread like the heat between them.

“Oh God. Fuck-”

Changmin’s hips pushed against Yunho’s, and his hands scrambled to get Yunho’s pants down. Once his cock was exposed, red and leaking, the younger man couldn’t help but break out in needy little pants that ghosted over their flushed skins. He rubbed their cocks together, precome sliding down the tips, and the friction was so fucking good-

Yunho’s hands grasped Changmin’s ass, and he pulled the younger man closer to him, rutting against him. Changmin gasped, throwing back his head and moaning, baring his throat for Yunho to latch onto his collarbone and bite, teeth scraping against skin.

Changmin continued to slide their cocks together, his pants rolled down and Yunho pressed up nicely against him, leaving no room for him to even breathe.

“I don’t bottom,” said Yunho, crushing their mouths together as his hands palmed Changmin’s ass, and he lifted the younger boy up, leaving Changmin with no choice but to follow his guidance and wrap his legs around his hips.

His breaths were fast and needy, and his mouth was obscenely swollen as they kissed over and over again, lips sliding and pushing against each other like it was another contest, another fight.

They didn’t even manage to make it to the bed.

“Driving me crazy-look so fucking hot-” Yunho didn’t even care that his back might get rug burns because Changmin was on top of him, looking unsure and also eager and frantic as he slid the condom down over the older man’s cock like he’d never seen one before. It was the hottest fucking thing he’d ever seen.

And he stretched; Changmin leaned forward, Yunho’s lips trailing against his navel and sliding his tongue inside the younger man’s bellybutton as Changmin ducked his head down and whined, his asshole filled full of Yunho’s fingers. They slid against each other, and Yunho nuzzled Changmin’s stomach as he thrust in his fingers, wet and squishy with all the lube he’d slathered on them.

“I-Oh God, Yunho-” Changmin thrust back, his hips rolling as he struggled to match the older man’s pace. “Please, please-need it-” And Yunho was wrong because the hottest thing he’d ever seen was this, with Changmin gripping Yunho’s cock with his hands, sliding down and spreading his legs.


They both groan as Yunho fills Changmin slowly. And Changmin would never, ever admit it, but he mewled when Yunho shifted his cock inside him, mewled and let out a girly, soft keen. Yunho’s shoulders tensed and bunched as he lifted Changmin up and then slammed back down on him, his cock hard and unyielding as it buried itself inside the younger man.

“Oh God-so fucking tight, so good-” Yunho panted, chest heaving as he slid the younger man up and down.

Changmin muffled his sounds by biting his lip, but once Yunho noticed, he grinned and flipped them over, pushing Changmin against the floor and picking up the pace with rough thrusts. His hips snapped against Changmin’s ass, and Changmin’s entire body shook as he struggled to breathe.

Releasing a wild noise, Yunho fucked Changmin with abandon. Changmin wrapped his legs around the older man’s waist and gasps hoarsely as his body squirmed against Yunho’s. When Changmin finally came, he sobbed, his dick coming all over their chests. Yunho gave a few more thrusts before he released within the condom, but Changmin had blanked out.


When Changmin woke up, he came to the realization of three things: one, this was not his bed, two, his ass and back hurt like he was run over by a freaking truck, and three, he might just be falling for someone he least expected.

He groaned, shuffling and digging his head deeper into his pillow as his eyes scrunched against the morning light. It wasn’t until he smelled something delicious wafting from the kitchens that his eyes snapped open, and he remembered everything from last night. And he’s here…he’s still here, in the kitchen…making breakfast?

Changmin got up slowly, waddling to Yunho’s closet and choosing a loose shirt that he slipped over his head, the worn edges barely reaching down his thighs. He glanced at the pants near the edge of the bed and blushed, but shook his head in dismay.

He then waddled over to the kitchen, stopping ever so often and leaning against the wall for support. He wanted to show Yunho that he was perfectly fine, because I refuse to show the effect of what he did last night. He did have his own pride after all.

Changmin stopped over-thinking, in fear of where his mind would lead and his dick would follow.

Yunho smiled as he saw the younger man enter the kitchen, easily catching the awkward way that Changmin spread his legs. The younger man flushed, hands catching the bottom of the shirt and tugging it down further, eyes downcast as he waited for the other man to speak.

“Don’t know what I like best,” Yunho said, voice amused as he nodded at the chair next to Changmin and slid out a plate. “You in my clothes or without them in general.” He slid the eggs and sausage on the plate from the frying pan while Changmin’s blush intensified, and he mumbled something about awkward after-mornings.

And it should be, thought the younger man as he caught Yunho’s easy grin. He noticed the way the light hit Yunho’s skin. Yunho only wore a pair of jeans and an apron, and the expanse of exposed skin brought memories that caused him to flush. But it’s not. The air between them was warmer, not so much of the frantic fervor it had been before, but more of a gentle glow.

Yunho passed him a mug, and their fingers grazed each other as the younger man clutched the coffee mug with both hands.

He looked up, and Yunho grinned, abashed, as he slid a hand to the back of his neck and said, “I don’t want you to take it the wrong way, but you sort of smell like it-cinnamon and warm vanilla, so I thought you’d like your coffee like that too-but I like it though, I like it a lot.”

Changmin looked down at his murky brown drink and then back up to Yunho. He set his down, and hesitated before reaching out and picking up Yunho’s mug. He took a sip and winced at the bitter taste.

At Yunho’s curious expression, Changmin said gingerly, “I want to know why you like it like that. I want-I want to see it from your eyes, your point of view, and understand.”

It wasn’t a confession; it probably didn’t even make sense, but Yunho smiled so wide it was infectious. Changmin couldn’t help but grin in return, the corner of his lips turning up, and his eyes crinkled as he watched the older man over the rim of his cup.

“I had one of the worst first cases ever. It was a simple one, only a divorce case, but the clients involved-” Yunho leaned back and listened, his body relaxing in the worn chair.


[3 Months Later]

Yunho opened his cufflinks and loosened his tie by the time he opened his door. He took off his jacket and stripped off his shirt as he walked, tossing his keys into an empty bowl on a side table in the living room. By the time he made it to the kitchen, he’d unzipped his pants and stripped off his belt.

Opening the door of the bathroom, Yunho dropped his boxers and stepped into the shower. He muffled Changmin’s gasp as he kissed him, a long, slow kiss with enough tongue and teeth that it left the two of them panting by the time they broke apart.

Cold water dripping down his hair, the older man grabbed the soap and began laving Changmin’s skin, pausing to kiss the younger man’s shoulder gently. Changmin sighed, bones weary as he leaned against his lover for support.

“Tell me again why I decided to make this awful job my career?” asked Changmin, over the noise of the shower as Yunho lathered soap on his back.

Changmin had just finished up another case, and although he won, he wasn’t sure anymore if what he did was right. He closed his eyes as Yunho soothed his sore muscles.

“Because,” the older man said, grinning, “you’re doing the right thing, but you’re not sure if it’s coming out that way.” He flicked some soap in Changmin’s face and continued, “Besides, thinking is over-rated anyway.”

Changmin’s face scrunched up, and he reached up to rub his face. Smirking, he stole the shampoo bottle and poured some onto his hand, reaching for Yunho’s hair but covering his cheeks with it instead. “I’m sorry, what were you saying-”

“You little brat-”  Yunho reached forward for the younger man, but Changmin pushed back. His feet slid over the wet and slippery floor as the two tousled, yelps of laughter and mirth echoing throughout the house.

[The End]

[A/N]: I apologize for not replying but this is the last chapter so I'll be def. replying back because you guys have been amazing :D! I'm glad you enjoyed this series (I had fun writing it ;D) and a huge thanks to sly_pantera for her awesomne beta-ing skills and kurogoma for her prompt. I'd love to hear what you guys thought ♥ 

fanfiction: dbsk, p: yunho/changmin, fic: oneshot

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