Aug 08, 2006 20:52
Okay so I think that it's possibly the coolest thing ever that I get to be radioactive for 48 more hours. Now's the time for me to become a superhero---Radioactive Woman, dun dun dun dun...
Hahaha i got a stress done on Monday and they had to inject me with this radioactive shit and then at the end gave me a card and told me I had to carry it for 72 hours because if I got pulled over or something I would prolly set off the po-po's radioactive thingy or whatever. I was all like "suhweet!!"
Anyways the stress test is a long fucking test. I honestly thought that all you did was get on a treadmill and they monitored you, but oh no it's so much more. My appointment was at 11 at Ross Heart Hospital at the OSU Medical Center and I was there by 10:40. I registered and then they sent me back to the test area. There they took me back and kindly informed me that they had to start an IV because they were going to inject me with radioactive junk. Then they said it was a pretty long test that took about 4 hours. I was like "what the..." So they hooked up the IV and flushed with saline and junk like that. Then they injected the radioactive stuff and then flushed the line again. I was back in the waiting room by about 11:05. I had to wait an hour and a half before they could do anything b/c apparently the radioactive stuff has to flow through your body. Then I got pictures of my insides taken in the cool maching (i had to sit still for 19 minutes) and then I went to the treadmill room. I laid there and answered some questions and got hooked up to electrodes. It was funny b/c a woman came in (a nurse or something) and was like "Oh my God you're young" because everyone there was a lot older. She was like "Jesus, how old are you?" It was just funny because I felt so little. Anyways I walked/ran on the treadmill for 15 minutes until my chest started hurting, then I had to keep going for a minute and a half so they could inject a second dose of radioactiveness. Then I waited about half-an-hour to an hour to get a second set of pics done (b/c apparently it was hard to get a fat guy in and out of the machine, hahaha) for which I only had to sit still for 13 minutes. Finally I was dismissed.
Yah I was def there for 5 hours. And I wasn't allowed to eat after midnight so I went 20 straight hours without any food. I was hungry.
Oh yah and it musta been take the prisoners to hospital day because 2 of the guys that were being wheeled around in beds had a security guard accompanying them. Musta been a one stop shop for the jail that day.
And I sat next to a guy who was kinda odd and apparently had had stem cells implanted.
Overall it was an interesting experience and now my arm is bruised and kinda sore b/c i had an IV in it for 4.5 hours.
Good times.