The pile of letters is obviously thrown together haphazardly, but this one is not too far from
the one it's responding to. At least there are less Capital Letters This Time.
Dear Midshipman James L Norrington;
You Are I Assume Stilll Midshipman? Be sure to Behave Well and Learn Quickly, etc. What else do Corresponders To Midshipmen say? You would know and Aye Would Certainly Not. Are you Making Friends Amongst The Other Boys? Have you gotten caned yet? I may become a jealous captain, knowing You my bestest seaperson are being punished by Another Commander.
If you Return Aye Shall not Care whether you speak for days and actually now you mention have plans which ensure no need for you speaking as long as you fancy. It Shall Be Fun!
The crossing was not as easy as Aye would wish it had been. The most beautisome Black Pearl - and you are quit correct in her pearlessness - took on damage, my poor beauty. So it stands that she must be repaired and I am stuck in this port until she is feeling More Up To It than present. Shall have to drink all your Bloody Expensive brandy to make up for the horrible blow to ego and heart.
I will have you no that frollicsome is a word and I know because I use it and it is frollicsome very here. Speaking of frollicsome, have met very pretty young eunch what is very, very frollicsome indeed. He and sister dance very distracting and pretty. And nubile, young, etc. Also warm. The two both seem to have an attraction for me irresistable self and it is great fun. Everything is bright colors and scan cloth or Dark and covers Everything. So Boring except I know where to go that is very interesting and the bathouses are my favourite do not sneer your face will stick. I Like! Water and these baths are Warm and Enchanting and Naked Women Help You. But they only Help if you pay. So that is all right.
What pirates are you dallying with up there in the Oh-So-Frozen North? Pretty women and eunuchs are all very well but I am not becharming or bothering Navymen left and center or at all for that matter. What bloody pirates are you talking of? I demand to know please if you don't mind terribly.
I recend my Turner comment except that you seem to dally with Other Pirates Than Me as well so perhaps it was not just lack of rum talking. Union Jack misses you less than Aye as he is being Worshipped Evry Where He Goes by Nubile Young Women in Shiny Nothings and Why are you where it's cold?!
My regards,
Captain Jack Sparrow