Lost and Low

Dec 20, 2005 18:21

So within a year and half, I've (in no particular order):

Fallen in love, learned to like myself, learned how to charm suckers, been conned by a hooker, received a lap dance while wearing no underwear, been asked by a fat black woman if I wanted any "chocolate", made a few film projects, been killed in a movie, had sex, had sex with someone who probably had sex with someone else the day before and/or after, written songs, recorded songs, written a script, captured voices of the dead on tape, been told I was nuts by at least 10 people, said the most hurtful things I've ever said to anyone, flown in a plane, learned how to eat EasyMac, begun smoking again, dropped out of college, realized I was attractive, acquired a functional home recording studio along with some debt, begun taking medicine for depression and my being neurotic, had at least seven jobs, learned about MIDI and synthesis, learned what snakes people can be, performed selfless acts for once (of course at my own expense), thought I was going to kill myself, thought I was going to die, thought I was going to go to jail on at least 3 occassions, accidentally killed a few animals, talked to myself, screamed at God, flunked out of a sperm bank, read a few books, picked up and abandoned a workout routine, given up on life several times, made some excellent friends/connections, learned about technology, learned two things about wine/booze, discovered Freaks and Geeks & Curb Your Enthusiasm, been hurt, hurt myself, been incredibly happy, been tan, walked on a beach, been solicited for gay sex on multiple occassions, been asked if I was gay by many chicks, been told I was talented and could "do it", been broke, been broken, surprised myself, found my first good shrink, caught my hair on fire, shaved my head, dangled from the side of a bridge, been chased by wolves, received threats on my life, been evicted, been ditched, flaked out on numerous people, made an ass out of myself, lied to make myself look good as a joke on others, manipulated others.
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