Tim/Danny sort of, boredom in general, avoiding my laundry.

Feb 13, 2005 22:15

so as usual nothing is really happening in my life.

I drew some more stuff & posted it in deviantart.

I also wrote a story (well i'd been working on it for some time actually) and posted it there... it isn't slash, before everyone asks me, but it is speculation on an earlier point in the relationship between Danny Elfman and Tim Burton, the seriously most inspired artistic marriage of minds in our age. even if you don't like the sound of the subject matter, i've been told by a number of people that it is very well-written and of course you all love me enough that you'll go read it anyway.

mostly i've been reading about King Arthur. Oh boy, excitement. Tennyson's poetry is too flowery for me, and besides, all that chivalry and decency and sense of fair play turns my stomach. Mordred, who seems like he could be a cool sort of antagonistic character at first, turns out to be sneaky and treacherous, and what's more, unsuccessful at it. He ends up just being sort of pathetic, and then sort of dead.

went to an actually cool club night, alt-rock stuff, mostly decent. had fun because i was drunk (for the first time in a month, i'll have you know) because i went with Vicky and Vicky is cool, and because i had a few guys flirt with me without being all gross and groping my ass. Someone just came up to me to tell me I was adorable, exchange names with me, repeat that he just wanted to say how cute i was, then leave.

i don't know. maybe i should be insulted that they didn't try to make out with me. haha. honestly, i like it better this way. especially when i am drunk, most guys would be well-advised to look but don't touch. not because i'd blow them off, but because i'd probably lead them on unintentionally, just out of curiousity.

okay. yeah. looking forward to getting Maria's package in the mail.
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