This is the way I live....

Mar 04, 2007 14:35

Me and John really haven't been seeing eye to eye the past couple weeks but it's cool. We are fine until about the night time and then thats when it happenz....but it's alright nothang too big really.

Jaimin is doing good though. Gettin big. He's been acting like he's sick fer the past couple of days so it's really annoying...but hey thats parta being a parent right? Aint always goody goody gum drops as I liketa say! LOL!

Got some new clothes...whoo! LOL! Nothang really special but hey least I have some new clothes that actually fit right ya know!

Umm....idk what else ta say! Oh I quit my job likea dumbass but I was just seriously sick of the shit ah-well. I have like 2 weeks ta getta nother job so I'm going all out with the apps! LOL!

Welp laterz homez

Crys-Lyn Shahan
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