Nov 20, 2007 15:26
Conversation is never limited to these topics. Always feel free to
share, chat, explore, discover in whatever ways move you.
However, I have made an outline of topics we will definitely discuss
each month. I have chosen two topics per month so that there will
always (hopefully) be something that interests and touches you. For
Topic 1 (T1), I will post on Tuesdays; for Topic 2 (T2), I will post on
Fridays. I will post essays, poetry, personal thoughts, book and music
recommendations, prompts for exploring these topics in practical and
creative ways, and so forth. I will do my best to include insight from
a good variety of paths and people. There will also be a monthly postal
mail exchange to share your insight in the form of a beautiful,
hand-created gift (participation optional).
You are always encouraged to contribute more on the topic in any way
that suites you. When you are specifically posting about one of the
monthly topics, it would be great if you'd add "T1" or "T2" to the
subject line.
The outline for the coming months follows:
December 2007
T1: Cultivating A Calm Mind and Joyful Spirit
T2: Spiritual Holiday Traditions
January 2008
T1: Chakras and The Body's Vital Energy
- Part 1: Intro + Exploring the Lower Chakras
T2: Rituals of Reflection from Around the World
February 2008
T1: Chakras and The Body's Vital Energy
- Part 2: Exploring the Upper Chakras
T2: Love and Kindness
March 2008
T1: Spiritual Voyages and Messengers
- Part 1: Angels, Spirit Guides, Passed Loved Ones
T2: Honoring the Earth
April 2008
T1: Spiritual Voyages and Messengers
- Part 2: Out of Body Experiences and Dreams
T2: Numerology and Astrology
May 2008
T1: Spiritual Voyages and Messengers
- Part 3: Shamanic Journeys and Animal Totems
T2: Finding Purpose
I hope that looks good to everyone! For the rest of the year, we'll
come up with an outline in April / May, based on interests and questions
that have surfaced.
love, Tasha