Mar 20, 2006 18:35
So I just got back from the Fort Collins Community Civility Awards reception (three student workers from my office won awards) and I've got about 20 minutes before my friend Keith comes to pick me up for dinner. Sooo, that means there is no time to actually do anything productive...EXCEPT a quick update for those of you in lj land :D!
Attending my 4th NASPA conference in Washington, D.C. was an amazing experience. My keynote address for the Minority Undergraduate Fellows Program Pre-Conference Workshop (say that 5 times fast!) went pretty well. Admittedly, it was not what I consider to be my best work, but people seemed to enjoy it so that's what counts. If you want to read the speech, let me know. I also coordinated a panel discussion for the workshop on graduate school/PhD programs. I also helped two fellows from CSU around the conference and tried to introduce them to as many people as I could. It felt awesome to finally be able to give back in a small way to a program that has done so much for me.
Another one of my "jobs" at NASPA this year was being a part of the leadership team for the Asian and Pacific Islander Knowledge Community through serving as the co-chair of the Research and Scholarship Committee with a gentleman from Columbia University. There were meetings to attend and a table to staff as part of this responsibility, so consequently, I did not attend as many sessions as I would have liked. Oh well. I enjoyed this part of my professional development too, so it was definitely not a loss. I feel so proud to be involved in the national level so early in my student affairs career.
The highlight of this conference was definitely spending time with friends and mentors I do not get to see often enough--Yoshiko, Becca, Mike, Kel, Cam, Lori, Peter, Khadish, Kim, Dr. Borrego, Dr. Powell--so many people! It defintely makes me want to save more money so I can travel more to see these awesome people. I'm hoping that my next trip will be back to Tacoma. We'll see.
Anyway, I need to get ready to leave in a few minutes. Laters!