London Expo -- Report, Photographs and MERLIN!

May 30, 2010 16:56

May I first just say that I ache all over. I feel like I've actually exerted myself, which is indeed rare. I almost feel as though I've had really good sex, but of course there's only one thing better than sex and much more likely to be the cause of ouchie calf muscles and unexpected hopping in the middle of the night -- CONVENTION!!!

It's always pleasing to find other fans and convention-goers on the journey there. One moment my fellow travellers were ordinary citizens and the next I'm sharing an escalator with the Final Fantasy 7 characters and a train with the Tenth Doctor. After accioscar and I tweeted 'Rainbow Bright!' 'Alice!' 'Ninja turtle!' at each other we finally met up and joined the incredibly long queue.

We queued for a while, but compare to later queuing (and I'll get to that!) it didn't really seem to take that long, and it was fun to watch people in their various costumes passing by. I started to wish I'd worn my Robin costume.

But there was an end in sight. Or so we thought. We turned a corner expecting to see a convention in full swing and ended up in what looked like a warehouse. It was brimming with people all lined up behind various railings. So many geeks all in one place, almost like we'd been deliberately herded there. Then we had a terrible thought. Oh my god, what if they're gonna gas us!!!

But they didn't. And after we received a huge goodie bag full of what can only be described as 'stuff', we hurried up and down the warehouse in a weird sort of relay race and met War Machine. He. Looked. Awesome.

It's not a convention without a TARDIS. But, hang on, where's Wally?

There he is!

Oh the awesome.

Seriously creepy Joker. I admit I was slightly scared of him.

But what I really came to the Expo for, was to see the Merlin panel. Now let me just get this small amount of complaining out the way. The Expo people must learn crowd control. They need to grasp the concept of demand and queuing, because if they don't it's only a matter of time before someone gets hurt. I was almost at the front of the queue with fuck-knows how many people behind me. But it wasn't the only queue. There seemed to be several and it turned into a massive mob of people. It was hot, I was cramped, no-one knew what was happening and when one of the stewards waved us all forward, the crowd surged. I got caught up in it and had to apologise to the people in front of me who I was unable to prevent shoving along because of everyone behind me. One hapless young steward literally spun on the spot when the crowd rushed either side of her, like a broken riverbank around an unsuspecting gnome. But seriously, if anyone had fallen, they would have been trampled.

More complaining. No Bradley! He didn't show and I'm still not sure why. Also, the sound at the talk was appalling. I missed about three quarters of what was said. Not that I really minded all that much because Colin was right there.

Anyway, pics! I'm afraid I was at an awkward angle, with two rows of heads in the way and I desperately need a longer lens because I couldn't get close-up without diminishing the quality of the shots. *starts saving*

It's like trying to find your place at a wedding, isn't it, Angel?

Both girls looked stunning. Katie just doesn't take a bad photo!

If anyone heard some nutcase wailing Coooooooliiiiiin! while in the queue, that was me. Sorry about that. But ... it's just that ... Coooooooliiiiiin!

Katie was incredibly funny. She's someone I would definitely feel comfortable having a drink with.

There were a few moments where Colin seemed to stare right at me. In my head he's thinking 'I want you' but, more realistically, he was probably thinking 'turn that fucking flash off'.

'And the punchline goes: to get to the other side!'

'Oh Colin, that's the best "why did the chicken cross the road?" joke EVAH!'

'I know, ladies, I know.'

But the audience's jokes were better. There was one about an Englishman, Irishman and a ... a ... oh I forget.

But Colin didn't like that one.

I don't mean to go on, but hasn't he got the loveliest smile? You'd trust him with your granny, wouldn't you?

Genuine aww moment when the gang were handed pictures from a young fan.

On to much more serious stuff. I assume. I couldn't hear. You might have noticed that my report isn't completely accurate. Totally unintentional, I assure you.

Preview of the new Merlin figures due out this Autumn. The Merlin figure and the Slash Dragon were the best. Arthur wasn't quite right and I didn't understand Gaius.

Colin likes Arthur best.

How weird must it be to have your own doll action figure?!

This is the second time I've seen Colin and my love for him only grows. What a nice guy. He makes me feel high-pitched and squeaky. I just cannot act my age when I think about him.

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! See you soon!

And there ends my report. I left immediately after picking up the signed picture to travel home, and joined a couple of friends for a Eurovision get-together, an evening of snacking and piss-taking. We cheered Britain on to come last, I got a Frazzle in my eye, and then this happened to my friend:

No alcohol involved.

I hope you all enjoyed my very uninformative and slightly irrelevant picspam and report.

I took 230-ish photos in all at the Merlin panel and if anyone would like them I've uploaded them all -- good and bad -- here at Megaupload. I am happy for anyone to use any of the photos both in the upload and here in the post for whatever you like. Feel free to photoshop, customise, anything. No credit needed. Just share the love.

conventions, batman, fandom glee, doctor who, londonexpo, colin morgan, star wars, merlin picspams, merlin, picspam

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