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kitty_poker1 March 26 2010, 18:18:42 UTC
Yay for Grandad being better! I'm totally with you on wanting him to go fast and peacefully when the time comes - I feel exactly the same way about Dad.

Perhaps he meant French mustard, which isn't all that hot... *g*

Did you see Jim Beaver's tweet about the pies? @jumblejim The pies were real. Real old, too.

Hehe, you have another obsession. *points and laughs and hides anything to do with Kradam*


suki_blue March 26 2010, 18:58:52 UTC
It's the way I'd want to go, too. I wouldn't want to see it coming.

I'd totally forgotten to Follow Jim. Fixed that now. Thank you! Hee! The pies!

Hehe, you have another obsession. *points and laughs and hides anything to do with Kradam*

Aha! I see your icon! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you have new obsession too!


kitty_poker1 March 26 2010, 19:18:52 UTC
Aha! I see your icon! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you have new obsession too!

Rats, an elementary mistake! We've really got to stop flitting around fandoms... On the other hand, why should we? It's fun!! \0/


suki_blue March 26 2010, 20:28:50 UTC
Rats, an elementary mistake!


We've really got to stop flitting around fandoms... On the other hand, why should we? It's fun!! \0/

We'll never stop, will we? I've got it real bad this time, Kitty.


kitty_poker1 March 26 2010, 21:12:13 UTC
Nope, we'll never ever stop. And think of all the titles you'll be able to drool over next time we go to FP!


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