RL, Pies and Kick-Ass Marvels

Mar 26, 2010 17:51

I've been hiding offline for the last week. RL got on top of me and I needed to go dark. Grandad is better. I thought for a while there I was going to lose him and in the worst way possible. If he's going to go, I want him to go peacefully and unexpectedly. I don't want him to rot and lose himself. I want him to go mid-conversation, or in his sleep. Bink, gone. I just don't want to watch him suffer. But as I say, he's much better. Plus, I have two carers coming in each day in the morning and lunchtime, and they wash him, dress him and feed him. It's been a tough first week. Grandad did not take to the idea of someone else other than me looking after him and I've had to fight the urge to snatch him back. Oi, he's mine! But the last couple of days have been better and yesterday he couldn't sing the carer's praises enough. Apparently she's mustard. I hope that doesn't mean he thinks she's hot.

I don't think I'm completely ready to uncurl myself and return to online life full-time yet. I need a while to pull myself back together.

I wondered early on in the episode if all those pies were significant. You know, like all the glasses of water in the film Signs. So when the zombies chased Dean and Bobby through Bobby's kitchen, I shouted, 'THE PIES! THROW THE PIES!' at the screen. Now, in a real-life zombie situation, that sort of thinking will get me killed. Clearly zombie training is needed.

I wasn't able to attend the Mark Millar, John Romita Jr signing at Forbidden Planet last Sunday, which was very disappointing but, after stating none would be available, FP offered the chance to buy signed copies after the event. My copy arrived today. My inner-geek did a happy dance and my outer geek made a noise somewhat like startled dolphin. I love this comic so much. I can't wait to see the film!

The unthinkable has happened. There I was happy with my DC universe, my Batboys and my Ragdoll, when something started to pull me, a feeling, an urge. God-damn it, the obsession I've been trying to avoid BECAUSE I AM NOT RICH ENOUGH! Marvel. I've read a little bit of Marvel over the years. Young Avengers, Ultimate Spider-Man, The Ultimates, Civil War and some other random stuff I don't remember. I used to work with a fabulous guy who, every month, swapped his Marvel stuff for my DC, and we were very happy together. But then he left and I didn't give Marvel another thought. Until recently. When the urge came. Last week I inhaled 53 Captain America comics in two days and I love him so much. BUCKY! OH! LUFFS! Then I dug out my Young Avengers stuff and that was when it really hit me. I've always thought Billy and Teddy were cute and made fabulous boyfriends, but now it's full-on love. My heart suddenly swelled, the corners of my lips turned up (don't be dirty!) and I felt that familar click-ching-bow-wow-wow-click-ching! inside that means I have a new fandom and I must obesess on a scale never before known.

I am currently reading the latest volume of Thor and then I shall swap onto Invincible Iron-Man. Then I shall re-read Civil War, decide what else needs to be plundered, tackle Secret Invasion and then find out what on earth this Dark Reign thing is all about. I know NOTHING of Marvel canon, but I can't wait to find out.

Any other Marvel fans here?

kick-ass, marvel, spn, fandom glee, captain america, young avengers

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