Jason Todd Questions

Feb 15, 2010 16:54

A couple of quick questions for the DC Comics peeps on my flist. How do you feel about the colour of Jason Todd's hair? Is it actually canon that it's red aside from Batman and Robin? I'm a bit confused about continuity and such. I'm writing a Dick/Tim fic for comicsbigbang and Jason has a fairly major role.

I'm setting the fic three years from now so obviously I'm going to go a bit AU. What I'd also like to know from you guys is where you see Jason heading after the events of Batman and Robin #6 Arkham? A private facility? Escape? I'd just like to get a general feeling. I'm having Jason return to the fold in an unstable state and I can't quite make up my mind about exactly where he's been.

dcu slash, dc comics, jason todd, dc sucks

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