Spencer Reid -- A Wooby Picspam

Jun 23, 2009 18:46

Yes, folks, it's picspam time again. Today we have the lovely Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds and the purpose of this picspam is to enlighten my flist to the woobie delights of this show and its star (IMO). Those of you who already watch the show ... shame on you for not emailing me to ask WHY AREN'T YOU WATCHING THIS?!

Yes, I am a new viewer. I began watching season 1 two weeks ago when I decided I needed to see this show before I meet Nicholas Brendon in October. Oh noes, I thought, I'll have to sit through three seasons of drivel before I get to the good stuff. As you will see from the pictures under the cut, I could not have been more wrong ...

This is Doctor Spencer Reid. He is an FBI Agent. At 24-years-old, he is the youngest of the BAU -- a team of FBI profilers.

He is also a genius. We're talking maybe even smarter than Rodney McKay himself. That's damn smart. That's Agent Morgan next to him. Nice, huh? More of him later.

Here he is with Agent Hotchner. I still can't decide between slashing Reid with Hotchner or Morgan. Each day I swing a different way.

Reid's job is dangerous. And it causes him to react with many woobie expressions, such as this one, which is my favourite.

Sometimes things get so dangerous, his hair gets all messed up, like this. Does anyone else get the urge to sniff it? I must never meet this man in RL. kitty_poker1, for both our sakes, please remember that.

Sometimes he falls into swimming pools and pops back out looking like a drowned ferret.

But while he's still in the pool ...

... and literati this one is just for you ... he looks hot as fuck.

Where was I? Oh! Yes, danger. Sorry, got sidetracked by the hair and the wetness. Yes, sometimes things get really dangerous.

He is held at gunpoint!

His bum catches on fire!

His hair goes all floopy!!

But fear not! He has friends that rescue him!

Particularly Morgan.

Who seems to touch him a lot.

And stare into his eyes.

And touch him a lot. Did I already say that? It's worth mentioning twice.

Because Sexy Spencer ...

... And Manly Morgan fit so well together.

I squeal even when they're just in the same room together.

So just to clarify. Morgan ...

... plus Reid equals fic I want to read. Obviously if someone were to write me some, I'd be forever grateful.

Come on, look! Cute, yes?

Adorable, yes?

Hot man action, yes?

His build is just how I always imagine Draco Malfoy as an adult.

Look, how can you not want to slash that that?


There, I believe I have made my point, and I ask again, how did it take me so long to find this guy?????? WAS I BLIND?!?!?!?

criminal minds picspam, reid/hotch, criminal minds, so very gay, reid/morgan, reid, picspam

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