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darkhavens September 24 2006, 00:30:03 UTC
John and Rodney on the phone caused me to make dolphin noises and actually flail, and yes, the dinner plans almost made me stroke out but that was tempered by the later realisation that Carson would be there. (Cockblocker Carson!)

Still, the way they were seated left plenty of opportunity for under the tables kneesies and footsies and possibly even lower thigh gropage, so I was appeased.

The hiatus is an evil thing, but, if Canada follow the same schedule as they did last year, the second half of the season should appear towards the end of November. Still an eternity in the face of such a cliffhanger, but a damn sight more bearable than six months.

I think a lot of SGA fans hate BSG on principle. They got just about the entire advertising budget this year, so SG-1 and SGA haven't been given a real chance to increase their audience, and now SGA are off SciFi for 6 months so that their precious BSG can have an uninterrupted run.

It's not fair and it leads to bitterness and quite probably a fall in BSGs ratings as the SGA fans protest their show's treatment in the only way the PTB might actually deign to notice.


darkhavens September 24 2006, 02:48:30 UTC
OMG! Just found this linked from the newsletter - The Return Part 2 premieres Oct. 23 @ 10pm MT on Canada's Movie Central!!!!!!!!!!


suki_blue September 24 2006, 10:21:30 UTC
Omgomgomgomgomgomg!! Thank you!!! The relief!!

Okay, so that's totally doable. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I'm so very excited!! ~runs around in a small circle and scares the dog~


suki_blue September 24 2006, 10:31:57 UTC
Dolphin noise! I can hear it now :oD

I just hold on to the fact that neither of them mentioned Carson. Even though Carson says that he and John are taking Rodney to dinner, I like to think they Rodney and John were actually taking Carson to dinner.

Also, I'm so convinced that Carson is as gay as they come. Seriously.

And, I love him. But not as much as our bois - obviously.

You know, I still have the first half of the BSG mini-series on my hard drive to watch and I'm damn well not going to watch it out of principle. Why does Sci-Fi think they can only back one show? That makes no sense to me. Surely better to have several blockbusters going at once. They obviously must be on at diff times! Duh.

But thank god for the good news. Yay! I don't if I could have coped with six months. I assume the torrents will be a little thin on the ground so I may have to d/l from elsewhere, but still, yaaaaaaaaaaaay!! I need my John and Rodney fix!


darkhavens September 25 2006, 17:14:21 UTC
Well, I know you know where to find them in the 'elsewhere' if the torrents don't oblige. ;)

Sci-Fi are asshats. They're dumped so many good shows because they were being watched by the wrong market share. They try to target young affluent males (which is why they apparently show several hours of wrestling every week now. BZUH?!) and sell commercial break space accordingly. Then they get pissed that women are watching because the ads don't work on them.


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